Sep 23, 2024  
2018-19 Catalog 
2018-19 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions





  • CH 497 - Senior Project I

    1 credit
    Designed as a practical application of students’ accumulated knowledge. Typically involves supervised study or research, which may be conducted inside or outside the department. All projects must be approved by faculty. Must be taken during the senior year and is required for graduation. Prerequisite(s): CH 316 .
  • CH 498 - Senior Project II

    1 credit
    A continuation of the project started in CH 497 . Must be taken during the senior year and is required for graduation. Prerequisite(s): CH 497 .
  • CH 499 - Senior Project III

    1 credit
    A continuation of the project pursued in CH 498 . Entails substantial library research, writing, and oral presentation components. All projects must be approved by faculty. Must be taken during the senior year and is required for graduation. Prerequisite(s): CH 498 .
  • CH 501 - Research

    1 to 6 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
  • CH 503 - Thesis

    1 to 9 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
  • CH 505 - Reading and Conference

    1 to 6 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
  • CH 507 - Seminar

    1 to 4 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
  • CH 508 - Workshop

    1 to 9 credits
    Workshop. Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
  • CH 509 - Practicum

    1 to 9 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable for a maximum of 15 credits.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • CH 511 - Inorganic Chemistry

    4 credits
    Surveys contemporary theories and their application to inorganic compounds. Lecture topics include symmetry, atomic and molecular structure, chemical bonding, coordination compounds, reaction mechanisms, periodicity, acids and bases, aqueous and nonaqueous solutions, organometallic and bioinorganic compounds, and descriptive chemistry of metals and nonmetals. Four lectures. Prerequisite(s): CH 441 . Corequisite(s): CH 414 .
  • CH 514 - Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory

    1 credit
    Studies inorganic compounds and complexes, including the synthesis and characterization of air-sensitive and water-sensitive organometallic compounds and transition metal complexes. One 3-hour laboratory. Corequisite(s): CH 411 .
  • CH 525 - Instrumental Analysis

    3 credits
    Explores the theory of instrumental methods of chemical analysis, including spectroscopy, chromatography, voltammetry, and other topics. Two 90-minute lectures. Prerequisite(s): CH 421 , CH 422 , and CH 441 . Corequisite(s): CH 426 , CH 525L .
  • CH 525L - Instrumental Analysis

    0 credits
    Corresponding lab for CH 525 .
  • CH 526 - Instrumental Analysis Laboratory

    1 credit
    Emphasizes basic electronics, the application of instrumental techniques, the optimization of instrumental parameters, and the treatment of data. One 3-hour laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CH 421 , CH 422 , and CH 441 . Corequisite(s): CH 426 .
  • CH 541 - Physical Chemistry

    3 credits
    A detailed theoretical study of the macroscopic behavior and microscopic structure of matter using mathematical models. Topics include real and ideal gases, kinetic-molecular theory of gases, and the development and application of thermodynamics to problems of chemical interest. Three lectures. Prerequisite(s): Both CH 223  and CH 229  or both CH 203 and CH 206, MTH 252 , and PH 221 , PH 222 , and PH 223 . Corequisite(s): CH 371 .
  • CH 542 - Physical Chemistry

    3 credits
    Examines the development and application of thermodynamics to solutions of electrolytes and nonelectrolytes, as well as statistical thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and chemical kinetics. Three lectures. Prerequisite(s): CH 441 . Corequisite(s): CH 544  and CH 544R .
  • CH 543 - Physical Chemistry

    3 credits
    Introduces the theory and application of quantum mechanics to atomic and molecular structure. Three lectures. Prerequisite(s): CH 442 . Corequisite(s): CH 545  and CH 545R .
  • CH 544 - Physical-Chemical Measurements

    2 credits
    Laboratory experience involving computer-enhanced methods of physical-chemical experimentation. Provides experience in programming in BASIC and Mathcad. Experiments utilize student-written software for collection and analysis of experimental data. Emphasizes data collection for device calibration and collection of thermodynamic data. One lecture and one 3-hour laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CH 371  and CH 441 . Corequisite(s): CH 542  and CH 544R .
  • CH 544R - Physical-Chemical Measurements Recitation

    0 credits
    Laboratory experience involving computer-enhanced methods of physical-chemical experimentation. Provides experience in programming in BASIC and Mathcad. Experiments utilize student-written software for collection and analysis of experimental data. Emphasizes data collection for device calibration and collection of thermodynamic data. One lecture and one 3-hour laboratory. Corequisite(s): CH 544 .
  • CH 545 - Physical-Chemical Measurements

    2 credits
    Laboratory experience emphasizing data collection and analysis in chemical reaction kinetics and spectroscopic analysis of molecular structure. Prerequisite(s): CH 371 ,  , and CH 444 . Corequisite(s):  CH 543  and CH 545R .
  • CH 545R - Physical-Chemical Measurements Recitation

    0 credits
    Laboratory experience emphasizing data collection and analysis in chemical reaction kinetics and spectroscopic analysis of molecular structure. Corequisite(s): CH 545 .
  • CH 551 - Biochemistry

    3 credits
    Examines the chemistry of biological systems, including underlying organic, thermodynamic, and chemical principles. Introduces biological macromolecules, including nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Three lectures. Prerequisite(s): CH 332  or CH 336 .
  • CH 552 - Biochemistry

    3 credits
    Systematic assessment of metabolism, including major oxidative and biosynthetic pathways. Includes aspects of enzyme mechanisms and kinetics, metabolic regulation, derivation of metabolic energy, and metabolic defects as they relate to the basis of disease. Three lectures. Prerequisite(s): CH 451 .
  • CH 553 - Biochemistry

    3 credits
    Introduces the principles of molecular genetics as they apply to biochemical systems. Includes cellular repair mechanisms, recombinant DNA technologies, and a detailed look at the processes of DNA replication, transcription and translation, and genetic regulation. Three lectures. Prerequisite(s): CH 452 .
  • CH 554 - Biochemistry Laboratory

    1 credit
    Application of contemporary biochemical techniques to protein purification, protein structural analysis, and enzyme kinetics. One 3-hour laboratory. Prerequisite(s): CH 451 . Corequisite(s): CH 452 .
  • CH 555 - Biochemistry Laboratory

    1 credit
    Introduces tools of nucleic acid analysis, lipid chemistry, and natural product isolation and characterization. One 3-hour lab. Prerequisite(s): CH 452  and CH 454 . Corequisite(s): CH 453 .
  • CH 585 - Advanced Topics in Chemistry

    1 to 2 credits
    Advanced course covering special topics in analytical, inorganic, organic, physical, or biochemistry. Prerequisites and credits vary with topic. May be repeated for credit with different topics.


(Note: Chinese language instruction has been temporarily discontinued at SOU.)

  • CHN 101 - Beginning Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I

    4 credits
    Introduction to the Mandarin Chinese language. All four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will be stressed, with specific emphasis on speaking skills. Students will also begin the study of Chinese characters. The relationship between language and culture will be stressed throughout.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • CHN 102 - Beginning Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II

    4 credits
    Introduction to the Mandarin Chinese language. All four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will be stressed, with specific emphasis on speaking skills. Students will also begin the study of Chinese characters. The relationship between language and culture will be stressed throughout. Prerequisite(s): CHN 101 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • CHN 103 - Beginning Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III

    4 credits
    Introduction to the Mandarin Chinese language. All four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing will be stressed, with specific emphasis on speaking skills. Students will also begin the study of Chinese characters. The relationship between language and culture will be stressed throughout. Prerequisite(s): CHN 102 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • CHN 199 - Special Studies

    1 to 4 credits
    Special studies in Chinese language and culture. Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
  • CHN 201 - Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture I

    4 credits
    Enables students to build on language proficiency in beginning Mandarin Chinese and to study Chinese culture. Continues the study of Chinese characters started in Beginning Mandarin Chinese. Students communicate in Chinese on topics ranging from everyday life, family, school, and work. Materials include a variety of cultural texts, and various media resources. Closed to native speakers of Chinese. Prerequisite(s): CHN 103 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • CHN 202 - Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture II

    4 credits
    Enables students to build on language proficiency in beginning Mandarin Chinese and to study Chinese culture. Continues the study of Chinese characters started in Beginning Mandarin Chinese. Students communicate in Chinese on topics ranging from everyday life, family, school, and work. Materials include a variety of cultural texts, and various media resources. Closed to native speakers of Chinese. Prerequisite(s): CHN 201 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • CHN 203 - Intermediate Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture III

    4 credits
    Enables students to build on proficiency in beginning Mandarin Chinese and to study Chinese culture. Continues the study of Chinese characters started in Beginning Mandarin Chinese. Students communicate in Chinese on topics ranging from everyday life, family, school, and work. Materials include a variety of cultural texts, and various media resources. Closed to native speakers of Chinese. Prerequisite(s): CHN 202 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • CHN 209 - Practicum

    1 to 4 credits
    Practicum in Chinese language and culture. Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
  • CHN 299 - Special Studies

    1 to 4 credits
    Special studies in Chinese language and culture. Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.


  • COMM 125 - Interpersonal Communication

    4 credits
    Focuses on message exchange in dyadic interaction. Emphasizes development of various communication skills in interpersonal contexts.  May be approved for University Studies (Information Literacy-Strand C).
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 195 - Digital Life

    2 credits
    Introduces a wide variety of fundamental skills in digital and social media. Although most students in higher education use digital technologies such as smartphones and social medial platforms every day, an emerging body of scholarly research has demonstrated the need for instruction in competencies such as online privacy, personal reputation management, and critical information gathering. This course provides that learning in a fast-paced, interactive format in which students use online technologies to critically explore the impacts of rapidly evolving technology on Digital Life.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 199 - Special Studies

    1 to 18 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 200 - Communication Across Cultures

    4 credits
    Provides an introduction to cultural and intercultural communication. Students are exposed to a variety of ways in which cultures and communication intersect through readings, lectures, and guest speakers from the multicultural community. Approved for University Studies (Explorations Strand E–Humanities).
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 203 - Media Literacy

    4 credits
    Students will learn to analyze messages conveyed by the media in daily life; understand the influence of media in their professional, political and social lives; participate in the use and creation of media in democratic, ethical and socially responsible ways; understand how people from diverse cultures might interpret and process media in distinct ways. Approved for University Studies Explorations (Strand E - Humanities)
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: COMM 201.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 206 - Multimedia Writing

    4 credits
    Introduces students to a wide variety of practices in media writing, including blog posts, social media updates, news reports, and magazine features. Addresses basic writing competence, enabling students to advanced courses in journalistic and professional writing. Introduces basic techniques for creating content on a variety of social media platforms. (Cross-listed with EMDA 206  .
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: JRN 251.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 210 - Public Speaking

    4 credits
    Emphasizes the development of public speaking abilities and critical awareness of the processes, content, and forms of oral communication. Open to freshmen and sophomores who do not have previous speech experience.  May be approved for University Studies (Information Literacy-Strand C).
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 214 - Mobile Image Making

    4 credits
    Introduces the production of still and video images using mobile capture devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. It emphasizes fundamentals of photography and video imaging as they might be applied to the creation of visual content suitable for professional applications in journalism, marketing and other genres of visual storytelling. Students will also develop understanding of commercial, ethical and legal contexts for creating and distributing images in the media. Students will work on a personal style, design a narrative strategy, and create content suitable for a professional portfolio or reel.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 215 - Digital Cinema Foundations

    2 credits
    Provides an introduction to the necessary production processes, equipment, and equipment applications for video field production. Corequisite(s): COMM 215R  .
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: VP 215
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 215R - Digital Cinema Foundations - Recitation

    2 credits
    Students complete projects applying techniques in video production.

      Corequisite(s):  COMM 215 .
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: VP 215R
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.

  • COMM 216 - Studio Production for Film and Video

    4 credits
    Provides an introduction to the basic equipment and operating techniques of multi-camera studio production. Explores camera operation, the language of video production, and other necessary equipment and techniques. Students work individually and in groups to develop, script, prep and shoot original work.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: COMM 172, VP 172
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 220 - Storytelling Foundations

    4 credits
    Students will study narrative communication across multiple mediums to better understand how stories shape identities, communities, and cultures. Students will master classical story principles, such as plot, narration, characterization, and audience, and apply their understanding in the creation of their own original stories. Approved for University Studies  Integration - Strand E.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 221 - Creative Industries

    2 credits
    Focuses on how creative industries work, and how students can best align their creative, strategic and professional interests to have impact in a complex world. In this course we will understand how ideas become valuable, how dynamic enterprises such as advertising agencies, tech startups and advocacy non-profits work to leverage the value of ideas, and how students can begin their journey to vibrant professional identities.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 225 - Small Group Communication

    4 credits
    Examines the communication variables within the small, task-oriented group. Emphasizes the decision-making process. Approved for University Studies (Information Literacy - Strand C).
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 290 - Introduction to Film Analysis

    4 credits
    Introduces students to film form and structure; gives students skills to understand, write about and produce films. Focuses on film aesthetics, (mise-en-scène, cinematography, editing and sound); film genres; narrative and non-narrative structures; and the dynamics of the viewing experience. Approved for University Studies  Explorations (Strand E - Humanities).
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: FLM 290
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 300 - Research Strategies

    4 credits
    Examines key concepts and methods for gathering and evaluating information. Students gain an understanding of the research processes within the field of communication, from formulating a research question and organizing a search strategy to hands-on research and academic writing. Prerequisite course for all communication majors taking 400-level courses. Prerequisite(s): COMM 200  or COMM 203  or COMM 290 . Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 302 - Communication and Media Theory

    4 credits
    Examines a range of theoretical models of communication emphasizing interpersonal, organizational, intercultural, group and public communication, rhetoric and discourse, film, television and new media, journalism and popular culture. Emphasis on both social science and critical/cultural theoretical models. Prerequisite(s): COMM 200  or COMM 201  or COMM 203 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 310 - Advanced Public Speaking

    4 credits
    Public speaking course for students who have taken an introductory course and college juniors and seniors with experience in public speaking who have not taken COMM 210 . Emphasizes content strategies, alternate organizational patterns, speaking styles, and use of language.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 312 - Screenwriting

    4 credits
    Introduces and applies the unique techniques and practices of scriptwriting for film and video production.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: VP 312
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 313 - Camera, Audio, and Lighting for Film and Video

    4 credits
    Students will learn intermediate level skills and techniques in camera, audio, and lighting for film and video production. Through lectures, readings, and short video projects, students will gain knowledge of standard production tools and workflows. During the course of the term, students will practice lighting, shooting, and recording sound in the studio and on location. Prerequisite(s): COMM 214 , or both COMM 215  and COMM 215R , or both EMDA 202  and EMDA 202R , or COMM 172 or COMM 216  or instructor permission.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: COMM 272, VP 272.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • COMM 314 - Directing for the Screen

    4 credits
    Addresses the skills essential to working as a director in film and video, including script analysis, casting, rehearsal techniques, blocking, directing actors, visual storytelling through shot selection and mise-en-scene, and communicating a cohesive vision to the crew.  Students will workshop and shoot scenes with actors in order to hone their craft. Prerequisite(s): COMM 214  or both COMM 215  & COMM 215R  or both EMDA 202  & EMDA 202R  or COMM 216  or TA 246  or instructor permission.
  • COMM 315 - Location Shooting for Film and Video

    4 credits
    Provides practice in pre-production and set management techniques for shooting film and video on location.  Students gain skills in the production process and technical areas of film and video production.  Students breakdown, schedule, and shoot short films in groups. Prerequisite(s): COMM 214  or COMM 216  or both COMM 215  and COMM 215R  or both EMDA 202  and EMDA 202R .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 320 - Topics in Hispanic Film

    4 credits
    Examines selected topics in Hispanic cinema, focusing on insights into cultures, history, and film production and practices in Hispanic countries, with additional emphases on film theory, form in film, and the major Hispanic film industries (Spain, Mexico, Argentina, and Cuba). Courses may focus on masterpieces of film, great directors, women in cinema, cultural identity, post-structuralism, or post-colonialism. Repeat credit is allowed for different topics. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: FLM 320. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits combined.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 321 - Public Affairs Journalism

    4 credits
    Focuses on the practice of journalism in the public interest, including reporting skills for governmental affairs, basic investigative reporting, public records research and interviewing. Prerequisite(s): COMM 206   or CM 206 or instructor permission.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: JRN 361
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 322 - Online Journalism

    4 credits
    Explores the role of the Internet in reshaping journalistic practices, including newsgathering, reporting, editing, social networks, digital visual journalism, and web-based content design. Students demonstrate the use of the Internet as a reporting tool, develop an understanding of the technological components of computer-assisted reporting and web design, and explore how multimediality or different media formats can best tell a story. Prerequisite(s): COMM 206  or COMM 214  or instructor permission.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: CM 322
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 323 - Strategic Social Media

    4 credits
    Students gain practical skills and conceptual knowledge in social media campaigns to achieve strategic goals for clients, including but not limited to commercial enterprises, non-profit or governmental organizations, journalistic enterprises, or creative promotion on behalf of arts-based endeavors. Students will learn practices of social media listening, how to formulate a content strategy and editorial calendar, how to craft specific multimedia content items, how to measure the effectiveness of a social media campaign, and how to nurture the social graph of an enterprise. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of instructor. (Cross-listed  with EMDA 323  .
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: CM 323
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 324 - Nonverbal Communication

    4 credits
    Examines the nonlinguistic aspects of human communication. Students review empirical literature and participate in exercises to promote awareness of and skill development in nonverbal communication. Prerequisite(s): COMM 125 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 325 - Design Thinking

    2 credits
    Design Thinking is an iterative, collaborative, problem-solving methodology that has been popularized by global design firms such as Ideo and XPLANE, Stanford University’s d School and other prominent companies and institutions.  COMM 325 applies the emerging practices of Design Thinking to explore complex problems facing large communities and audiences.  Students use techniques of qualitative interviewing, visual brainstorming, rapid prototyping and guided collaboration to interrogate the past, present and future of a significant societal or cultural challenge.
  • COMM 326 - Multimedia Storytelling

    4 credits
    Develops practical skills in producing documentary, journalistic and promotional content for broadcast and online distribution.  Students identify and pitch story ideas, research and report on their topics, and produce professional-quality, portfolio-ready text, audio, photo, video and interactive presentations of their narratives.  Students also have the opportunity to distribute their completed stories regionally or nationally via SOU’s partnerships with Southern Oregon Public Television (SOPTV) or Rogue Valley Community Television (RVTV).  Repeatable for up to 8 credits. Prerequisite(s): COMM 206  or COMM 214  or both COMM 215  & COMM 215R  or both EMDA 202  & EMDA 202R  or COMM 220 .
  • COMM 327 - Creative Careers Bootcamp

    4 credits
    Connects students with dynamic and innovative creative employers such as marketing agencies, tech startups and new media content producers and publishers.  Students visit innovative workplaces, learn about actual professional roles in creative industries, work on personal networking skills, and develop professional resumes and portfolios.
  • COMM 330 - Interviewing and Listening

    4 credits
    Examines and develops interviewee and interviewer skills in job selection interviews, as well as social scientific interviewing techniques. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 332 - Discourse Analysis of Social Problems

    4 credits
    Examines the construction of social problems (such as homelessness and hunger) by media; policymakers; and stakeholders, including community-based groups, social movements, and nongovernmental and civic organizations. Explores how voices and perspectives are framed and disseminated in the public realm and how power works through language, texts, and social action. Includes a community-based learning component involving community service, applied projects, and reflective, action-based learning.  Approved for University Studies (Integration - Strand I). Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 342 - Persuasion

    4 credits
    Study and practice of persuasive communication. Examines social and psychological foundations, ethical issues, and contemporary theory and practice.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 343 - Argumentation and Critical Thinking

    4 credits
    Explores critical thinking through creating, defending, and critiquing propositions of fact, value and policy. Teaches argumentative strategies for political and competitive debate. Approved for University Studies (Integration - Strand I).
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 344 - Media Photography

    4 credits
    Introduces students to still image production for use in mass media; focuses on fundamentals of photography, including exposure, focus, digital files, metadata, archiving and visual storytelling. Students develop professional competency in commercial and photojournalistic media production, and understanding of ethical and legal contexts for creating and distributing images in the mass media. Prerequisite(s): COMM 215  /COMM 215R  or EMDA 201  /EMDA 201R  or EMDA 202  /EMDA 202R  or COMM 216  or COMM 214  . (Cross-listed EMDA 344  .
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: CM 344
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 345 - Introduction to Cybernetics & Cyberculture

    4 credits
    Students learn how cybernetic technologies have developed and become incorporated into everyday life and culture. This course interrogates emerging common wisdom about these new technologies, and discusses the significance of cultural issues such as post-humanism and cyborgs in popular culture. Prerequisite(s): EMDA 201  or EMDA 202  or COMM 215  or EMDA 203  or EMDA 204  or EMDA 461  . (Cross-listed with EMDA 330  .)
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: CM 330
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 346 - Health Communication

    4 credits
    Provides a broad introduction to the communication challenges facing the health world today.  These challenges include developing health communication career fields; cultural and environmental audience assessments; why we need health communicators in our community; the process of designing, implementing, and assessing effective health campaigns; technological impacts on healthcare, treatment, and society; as well as understanding interpersonal health communication needs.
  • COMM 350 - Topics in French Film

    3 to 4 credits
    Examines selected topics in French cinema, focusing on insights into French culture as seen through film. Recent topics include Masterpieces of French Film, Film and Cultural Identity, and French Film and Society. May be repeated for credit when topic changes. Approved for University Studies Integration - Strand J. Prerequisite(s): Completion of all lower division University Studies requirements
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: FLM 350
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 352 - Intimacy and Sexual Communication

    4 credits
    Whether it’s holding hands or participating in a polygamous relationship, there are many ways to experience intimacy and sexual pleasure. There is no one correct way to experience intimacy and sexuality and we engage and reflect upon it differently throughout our lives. This course explores the many ways in which sexual and intimate communication affects our daily lives and how people experience pleasure. Talking about sex and intimacy is not easy, and this course can give you an idea of how talking about sex can achieve multiple goals as well as the information available on how people from diverse backgrounds engage in intimacy and sex. We won’t be able to discuss every single topic relating to intimacy or sex but we will initiate open-minded and curious discussions and research related to communication studies. Prerequisite(s): COMM 125  or COMM 200 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 355 - Communication, Culture, and Conflict

    4 credits
    Examines the role of culture in how we understand, experience, and manage conflict. Explores cultural variables that may underlie or cause conflict, conceptual models for understanding and managing conflict across cultural groups, and perspectives on understanding and engaging in conflict at local, national and international levels. Using case studies and exploration of current events, students analyze interpersonal, intergroup, and international aspects of conflict. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 362 - Transmedia Storytelling

    4 credits
    Introduces students to transmedia storytelling by looking at its place in today’s media landscape, exploring its diverse functions and forms, and introduces the production techniques that are used to develop, produce, and distribute transmedia content across a variety of platforms. Prerequisite(s): EMDA 201  or EMDA 202  or COMM 215  or COMM 220  or EMDA 203  or EMDA 204  or EMDA 461 . (Cross-listed with EMDA 362  .)
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: CM 362
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 363 - Documentary Film: Theory and Practice

    4 credits
    Introduces students to the history and theory of documentary film. Students examine a range of documentary practices, considering their respective representational strategies and the consequence of those strategies for epistemological and ethical concerns at the center of the documentary tradition.  Approved for University Studies - Strand I. Prerequisite(s): COMM 290 .
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: CM 363
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 364 - Narrative Film: Theory and Practice

    4 credits
    Introduces students to the history and theory of narrative film from an international perspective.  Students examine a range of narrative filmmaking practices, considering their respective national, cultural, and economic contexts, modes of production, technological developments, and traditions of visual storytelling.  Approved for University Studies (Integration - Strand J). Prerequisite(s): COMM 290 .
  • COMM 365 - Film Genres

    4 credits
    Explores popular film genres such as the Western, the musical, the thriller, science fiction, the detective story, the epic, and the comedy of silent films. Emphasizes cultural and artistic value, the characteristics of each form, and variations within forms. Prerequisite(s): COMM 290 .
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: COMM 296, FLM 296.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 366 - Major Film Directors

    4 credits
    Analyzes works by selected international film directors who have made significant contributions to cinematic art, including Fellini, Hitchcock, Eisenstein, Kurosawa, Bergman, Welles, Altman, and Buñuel. Prerequisite(s): COMM 290 .
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: COMM 297, FLM 297.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 375 - Editing for Film and Video

    4 credits
    Applied editing techniques for field and studio production. Prerequisite(s): COMM 215  or  EMDA 202  or instructor permission.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: VP 375
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 399 - Special Studies

    1 to 4 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 401 - Research

    1 to 12 credits
    COMM 501, COMM 505, and COMM 507 are limited to 12 credits singly or in combination. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 403 - Thesis

    1 to 12 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 405 - Reading and Conference

    1 to 4 credits
    *COMM 501, COMM 505, and COMM 507 are limited to 12 credits singly or in combination. Repeatable. Class restriction: Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 407 - Seminar

    1 to 4 credits
    *COMM 501 , COMM 505 , and COMM 507  are limited to 12 credits singly or in combination. Credits to be arranged. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 409A - Practicum/Internship in Communication Studies

    1 to 15 credits
    Supervised internship or advanced individual project approved by the Communication Department chair or designee. Includes the application of principles and theories of communication in educational, professional, and community settings. See Academic Credit Policies for credit information. Repeatable for a maximum of 15 credits. No more than 12 credits of COMM 409A, 409B, 409C can be applied to the Communication major; additional credits will apply as elective credit. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: COMM 409.
    Graded Pass/No Pass only.
  • COMM 409B - Practicum/Internship in Digital Cinema

    1 to 15 credits
    Supervised internship or advanced individual project approved by the Communication Department chair or designee. Includes the application of principles and theories of communication in educational, professional, and community settings. See Academic Credit Policies for credit information. Repeatable for a maximum of 15 credits. No more than 12 credits of COMM 409A, 409B, 409C can be applied to the Communication major; additional credits will count as electives. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: VP 409.
    Graded Pass/No Pass only.
  • COMM 409C - Practicum/Internship in Social Media and Public Engagement

    1 to 15 credits
    Supervised internship or advanced individual project approved by the Communication Department chair or designee. Includes the application of principles and theories of communication in educational, professional, and community settings. See Academic Credit Policies for credit information. Repeatable for a maximum of 15 credits. No more than 12 credits of COMM 409A, 409B, 409C can be applied to the Communication major; additional credits will count as electives. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: JRN 409.
    Graded Pass/No Pass only.
  • COMM 410A - Capstone in Communication Studies

    2 credits
    A portfolio of professional, academic, or creative work that synthesizes four years of learning and includes critical reflection. Prerequisite(s): COMM 460  or COMM 460A  or COMM 460B  or COMM 460C  or COMM 460D  or COMM 460E  (any of these may be taken concurrently with COMM 410A to satisfy the prerequisite); Senior standing and instructor consent.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: COMM 410.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • COMM 410B - Capstone in Digital Cinema

    2 credits
    A portfolio of professional, academic, or creative work that synthesizes four years of learning and includes critical reflection. Prerequisite(s): COMM 460  or COMM 460A  or COMM 460B  or COMM 460C  or COMM 460D  or COMM 460E  (any of these may be taken concurrently with COMM 410A to satisfy the prerequisite); Senior standing and instructor consent.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • COMM 410C - Capstone in Social Media and Public Engagement

    2 credits
    A portfolio of professional, academic, or creative work that synthesizes four years of learning and includes critical reflection. Prerequisite(s): COMM 460  or COMM 460A  or COMM 460B  or COMM 460C  or COMM 460D  or COMM 460E  (any of these may be taken concurrently with COMM 410A to satisfy the prerequisite); Senior standing and instructor consent.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: VP 410, JRN 410A, JRN 410B
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • COMM 411 - Online Cultures

    4 credits
    Examines how online platforms and networks foster new kinds of communities, identities, and social movements. Students will consider key accounts of social media, debate its effects, and examine best practices for using it. Students will also use online platforms to create their own communities, conduct research, and interact with each other using virtual spaces. Prerequisite(s): EMDA 320  or EMDA 321  . (Cross-listed with EMDA 411  .)
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: CM 411
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 412 - Evaluation of Public Communication

    4 credits
    Surveys and applies the major classical and twentieth-century approaches to analysis and criticism of public communication. Emphasizes understanding and applying various models of rhetorical analysis. Prerequisite(s): COMM 300 , BA 324 , or PSY 229 . Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 420 - Science Fiction Film

    4 credits
    Explores Fredric Jameson’s assertion that Science Fiction is “the social realism of our time” because it dramatizes the dilemmas and opportunities of living in a highly mediated world, one saturated with imagery, much of it commercial, where the boundaries between the real and the virtual are uncertain. In addition to studying the history of science fiction film and discussing theories of virtual reality, the course will examine the specific technologies used to produce special effects in Science Fiction (and increasingly most) film. Prerequisite(s): COMM 290 ; Junior standing or above. (Cross-listed with EMDA 420 .)
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: FLM 420.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 424 - Creative Entrepreneurship

    4 credits
    Students use the Lean Startup model of entrepreneurship to develop a value hypothesis, conduct customer development interviews, and build a minimum viable product (prototype) to test the student’s business model.  While the class is aimed at artists and media makers, students are welcome to apply entrepreneurial thinking to pursue any enterprise that interests them.  The course also addresses intellectual property protection, crowdfunding, and social media marketing.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 441 - International Communication

    4 credits
    Covers historical and contemporary perspectives regarding global communication, including media systems, technologies, coverage, representations, flow of information, advertising, public relations, and development communication. Approved for University Studies (Integration - Strand J). Prerequisite(s): COMM 300 . Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 442 - Global Communication and Social Change

    4 credits
    This course focuses on how communication produces, makes, and constructs meaning, social change, and advocacy in global contexts. We will engage in in-depth analyses and explorations of nuanced themes and topics related to intercultural and international communication in global contexts through critical/cultural paradigms examining power, privilege, and history. In this course we will engage with a variety of literary and digital resources, as well as interact with guest speakers from diverse backgrounds and countries. We aim to investigate the various ways communication is deeply embedded in our identities, lifestyles, and imaginations of the world, and the different approaches and politicized processes of what globalization means to different people. Prerequisite(s): COMM 200  and Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • COMM 444 - Film Festival Programming and Promotion

    4 credits
    Students will study the international film festival circuit and independent film market, participate in a community partnership project with the Ashland Independent Film Festival, program and promote a student film festival, and prepare a festival distribution strategy for their own short films.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.

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