Mar 03, 2025  
2022-23 Catalog 
2022-23 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Education-Psychology 221
John Taylor, Chair

Professor Assistant Professor Adjunct Faculty Emeritus Faculty
Daniel DeNeui S. Anandavalli Matt Blakely Michael Andrews
Mark Krause Victor Chang Sharon Bolles Lani Fujitsubo
Patricia Kyle Paul Condon Benjamin Bryan Paul Murray
J. Fraser Pierson   Jorge Conesa-Sevilla Michael J. Naumes
Douglas Smith Senior Instructor 2 Maria Connelly David Oas
John Taylor Tiki Boudreau Delaine Due Paul Rowland
    Dan Harper Karen Salley
Associate Professor   Jackie Lien Gerald Stein
Melissa Birkett   Kirk Lunnen Josie A. Wilson
Cody Christopherson   Karen McClintock Elizabeth Zinser
Rachel Jochem   Solé Thernell  
Emily Reeder      
Mary Russell-Miller      

The Psychology program prepares students to:

  1. achieve a broad understanding and appreciation of human behavior, which serves as the foundation for a liberal arts education;
  2. enter paraprofessional work in applied behavioral sciences and social service fields; and
  3. pursue graduate and professional study in psychology or related fields.


Five goals from the American Psychological Association are identified as desired outcomes of completing the psychology major. Students will acquire:

Goal 1: Knowledge Base in Psychology. Students should demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings to discuss how psychological principles apply to behavioral problems.
Goal 2: Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking. The skills in this domain involve the development of scientific reasoning and problem solving, including effective research methods.
Goal 3: Ethical and Social Responsibility in a Diverse World. The skills in this domain involve the development of ethically and socially responsible behaviors for professional and personal settings in a landscape that involves increasing diversity.
Goal 4: Communication. Students should demonstrate competence in writing and in oral and interpersonal communication skills.
Goal 5: Professional Development. The emphasis in this goal is on application of psychology-specific content and skills, effective self-reflection, project-management skills, teamwork skills, and career preparation.


  • Students who intend to be majors must first contact the Office Coordinator of the Psychology program.  At that point students will be designated as Psychology (PSY) major status.
  • Certain psychology courses (PSY 351 & 425) are for majors only. Only declared psychology majors are allowed to register for these courses.
  • Immediately after deciding to transfer to Southern Oregon University, transfer students should contact the Psychology program Office Coordinator to be designated as a Psychology (PSY) major status.
  • We recommend that all new Psychology majors take PSY 211 during their Sophomore year or in their first term as a transfer student. Students will receive a Psychology advisor and initial advising about their progress through the major during this course.

Certificate in Management of Human Resources (CMHR)

The Certificate in Management of Human Resources is collaboratively offered by Business, Psychology, and Communication. The program is open to current upper division undergraduate, graduate, and postbaccalaureate students, as well as professional development individuals with significant managerial experience. To be awarded the Certificate in Management of Human Resources, students must meet the 36-credit course requirements, which are listed in the Certificates section.

Interdisciplinary Studies

The objective of the interdisciplinary studies major with an emphasis in psychology or a related behavioral science is to prepare students for occupations requiring behavioral science backgrounds (e.g., welfare caseworker, probation/parole worker, psychometric aide, and research aide). The degree granted is a BA or BS in social science.

This program permits a broad major in the social sciences with a concentration in psychology for those whose educational goals are not met by any of the other psychology programs. The general requirements for this degree are found under Interdisciplinary Options. The specific requirements for social science majors with a concentration in psychology should reflect the needs of the individual student and must be planned with advisors in the Psychology program. Required courses include BI 101  or 211 PSY 201 202 , PSY 225   and PSY 225L ; and MTH 243   Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.

The required psychology capstone course (PSY 425 ) may not be taken until the student has: (1) been formally approved for an interdisciplinary studies major with a psychology emphasis and (2) registered with the Psychology program and been assigned an advisor.

Additional Educational Offerings

Within the major and minor degree curricula, the Psychology Department presents or conducts a variety of additional practica, field studies, seminars, and research activities.

Graduate Training in Psychology

Many students who graduate with a degree in Psychology opt to continue their training by pursuing graduate studies in psychology, counseling, and related areas. Housed within the Social Sciences Division at SOU is the Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC) program, which prepares students to become Licensed Professional Counselors in Oregon and in many other states. The program, which can be completed in just under two years, is nationally accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling Related Programs (CACREP). Graduates of the program can choose to work in a variety of settings including schools, community mental health centers, alcohol and drug treatment centers, human resources departments, and in private practice. SOU undergraduates who complete their degree in Psychology generally meet the prerequisite course requirements for the CMHC program and can apply during their senior year. For more information about the CMHC program, see the Clinical Mental Health Counseling  section.

Field Practicum and Human Service Learning Opportunities

The human service, field practicum, and internship programs provide a sequence of progressively intensive experiences in human service agencies in the classroom or in the community. Students in these programs are exposed to a wide range of human service activities and acquire experience as human service providers. Students have been placed in the following organizations: Community Works; Mental Health Services; Welfare Department, Child Welfare; Vocational Rehabilitation Services; Veterans Domiciliary; animal shelters; preschools; Headstart; elementary and secondary school counseling programs; special education programs for the mentally disabled, emotionally disturbed, and physically disabled; private residential treatment centers; SOU’s Counseling Services; the Women’s Resource Center; juvenile justice programs; and public health programs.

Students interested in field experience programs must carefully plan with their advisor well in advance of any placement in such programs. Instructor consent and formal admission are required in all field service programs. Interested students should consult an advisor at their earliest convenience.

A maximum of 15 credits for field experience courses in psychology (e.g., practicum and teaching of psychology) may be applied toward the bachelor’s degree. These credits may be selected from any combination of PSY 209, 309, 409, and 406. Only 6 credits from these courses may be counted toward the minimum 57 psychology credits necessary for a psychology degree.

Research and Community Service

Students are encouraged to become involved in research and community activities. In addition to formal research courses, there are opportunities for involvement in the private research activities of various faculty members. Past projects have focused on such topics as competency examination development for professional groups, surveys of transportation facilities for the elderly and disabled, design and development of residential treatment facilities for the emotionally disturbed, creation of preschool education and Headstart projects, needs assessment surveys, and program evaluation research in a variety of areas.

Students should consult their advisors and faculty members to determine which research projects are currently ongoing or in the planning stages. Students are encouraged to initiate contact with faculty members for assistance with research activities, development of research proposals, and presentations of research findings at local and regional professional meetings.

Evening and Online Course Opportunities

Each term several psychology courses are scheduled at night (in Ashland or Medford) and online to accommodate the schedules of working and non-traditional returning students.

Psi Chi

Qualified students may become members of the local chapter of Psi Chi, a national honorary society in psychology. The purposes of Psi Chi are to encourage, stimulate, and maintain the scholarship excellence of individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. To achieve these goals, Psi Chi offers a wide range of local, regional, and national programs.

Program Requirements



Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science


Other Programs



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