Enrollment Services
Britt Hall
SOU students may register via InsideSOU at https://inside.sou.edu/mysou/index.html#student.
Information about dates for priority preregistration, open registration and schedule adjustment, late registration, advising services, adding/dropping, and course offerings is available online here.
Change of Registration
Students Changing Registration
Students may continue to register and add classes to their schedule through the first week of the term. After the first week of the term, students cannot add classes via SISWeb. To register late, students will need to submit an add form to Enrollment Services with the appropriate signature(s). See the Late Add Fee policy under the Tuition and Fees section for details regarding timing, required signatures, and fees.
Students may drop classes via SISWeb through the fourth week of the term. From the fifth week of the quarter through the Friday of the 9th week of the term, students may withdraw from one or more classes. Students withdrawing after the end of the fourth week and through Monday of the last week of classes receive a WD (Withdrawn) in each of their withdrawn courses.
Registration is blocked for any student who has completed 91 credits and does not have a declared major on file in Enrollment Services. Please contact an advisor to declare a major.
Late Registration
- 1st week of term: students may add courses on their own
- 2nd and 3rd weeks of term: instructor approval required
- 4th week of term and beyond: instructor and chair approvals required
Students may not be registered for coursework after the associated term ends, absent an approved Academic Policy Appeal
Note: these parameters are adjusted proportionally for shorter parts of term
Instructors Changing Registration
Instructors may cancel the course registration of a student when there is justification, provided the instructor’s department chair or school dean concurs. This includes the right of an instructor to cancel the course registration of a student for disciplinary reasons at any time, again with the concurrence of the instructor’s department chair or school dean.
Priority Registration Policy
Accelerated Baccalaureate students, currently eligible students with an accommodation approved through the Disability Resources office as necessary to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Study Abroad and National Student Exchange students, ROTC students, and veterans certified for educational benefits are eligible to register the first day of registration for a given term. NAIA-eligible student-athletes, dual-enrolled OHSU students, Success at Southern students, and Honors College students are eligible to register one week thereafter, unless they are otherwise eligible for earlier registration. Individual programs are responsible for maintenance/coding of associated student records. No other student populations are eligible for priority registration. This policy applies to continuing students only (new and non-admitted students are not eligible for priority registration). Temporary exceptions to this policy may be granted by the Enrollment Council.
Withdrawal from the University
Students in good standing are entitled to honorable dismissal at any time through Monday of the last week of classes. Students withdrawing after the end of the fourth week and through Monday of the last week of classes receive a WD (Withdrawn) in each of their withdrawn courses. Students who want to completely withdraw may do so in person or via SISWeb. The effective date of withdrawal is the date the withdrawal form is submitted to Enrollment Services. Refunds are prorated accordingly.