Mar 28, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Entering the University

Office of Admissions
Stevenson Union
Toll Free 855-470-3377

Students seeking admission to SOU or who plan to attend SOU full time during the fall, winter, spring or summer quarter must apply for and receive formal admission. Students planning to take courses without formal admission should read the section entitled Enrollment as a Nonadmitted Student .

Prospective students are encouraged to visit the campus.  Visitors will have an opportunity to meet faculty, attend classes, and take a guided tour of the grounds and buildings. For more information contact the Office of Admissions or check date availability and schedule a visit visitus/.

Advanced Placement (AP): College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Credit

When AP scores are received by the University directly from CEEB, credit may be awarded as indicated here:

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

When official IB scores are received by the University, credit may be awarded as indicated here:

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit

When official CLEP scores are received by the University, credit may be awarded as indicated here:

Admission Procedure

Application for Admission

New students applying for admission to SOU must submit an official application for admission to the Office of Admissions. Applicants may apply online at apply.

Application Fee

Applicants are required to pay a $60 application fee. The online application accepts Visa or MasterCard. The fee cannot be refunded, waived, or transferred to other institutions. A fee deferral is available to qualified undergraduate applicants; contact Admissions for more information.


Students applying as freshmen must have their high schools send official transcripts of all coursework beyond the eighth grade. Upon completion of the senior year, students must have their high schools send complete official transcripts verifying graduation and the 15-unit subject requirement completion (see High School Course Requirements on page 6[JV1] ).

Students transferring from other collegiate institutions must request official transcripts to be sent to the SOU Office of Admissions from all colleges previously attended or where college credits were sent to the SOU Office of Admissions. High school records must also be sent if the applicant has fewer than 36 quarter credits of transferable college coursework at the time of application. Documents sent in support of applications become the property of the University and cannot be returned to the applicant.

Placement Examinations

Students entering as freshmen may submit scores from either the SAT or the ACT. Test scores are may be used for counseling, placement, and establishing admission qualifications. SOU’s school codes are 4702 for the SAT, and 3496 for the ACT. If an applicant’s high school prints SAT or ACT scores on the official transcripts, SOU will accept those scores as official.

Measles Immunization

All SOU students are required to submit verification of measles immunization to the Student Health and Wellness Center prior to attending classes.

Notification of Admission

When all required documents have been received and evaluated, applicants will be informed in writing of the University’s decision. Processing time can take 2-4 weeks.

General Admission Policies

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that complete official copies of transcripts from every institution attended are sent to the SOU Office of Admissions. Failure of an applicant to supply complete college credentials is considered misrepresentation and may result in dismissal from the University.

Admission to Freshman Standing

To be admitted as a freshman, an applicant must:

Submit an application for admission, an application fee of $60, and send an official copy of his or her high school transcript.

Meet specific course requirements. A general description of the type of courses required in each of the subject categories may be found under High School Course Requirements below.

All applications, transcripts, and supporting documents are reviewed qualitatively to determine admission. Students applying for admission as freshmen need to graduate from an accredited public or private high school. Accredited high schools are those that are reviewed and recognized by a regional entity, such as the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges, as meeting an appropriate level of academic rigor and support.

Applicants who have not or will not graduate from high school must have a minimum score of 680 total, and 150 for each subject on the General Educational Development (GED). Post-1996 GED holders must submit a copy of their official high school academic record to confirm completion of at least two years (2 units) of a second language, or they must demonstrate proficiency in a second language.

Students who are graduates of nonstandard or unaccredited high schools or who have been home-schooled will be reviewed holistically. To help SOU provide a thorough assessment of academic ability, a student may provide high school transcripts, official college transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, essay, letter(s) of recommendation and/or resume. . These students must also satisfy the second language admission requirement if they graduated from high school in 1997 or later.

High School Course Requirements

Applicants must satisfactorily (grade of C- or better) complete 15 units (one year equals one unit) of college preparatory work in the following areas:

English (4 units). All four units should be in preparatory composition and literature with emphasis on and frequent practice in writing expository prose.

Mathematics (3 units). Students interested in attending a State of Oregon Public Higher Education Institution should take at least three units of high school math. The third unit could be satisfied by any math course with a primary focus on concepts in algebra, calculus, data science, discrete mathematics, geometry, mathematical analysis, probability, or statistics. Prospective students are encouraged to take a fourth math course in their senior year of high school. Those intending to study a STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics) major or another field for which calculus is required are strongly encouraged to take pre-calculus and, if possible, calculus in high school.

Science (3 units). Must include one unit each in two fields of college-preparatory science such as biology, chemistry, physics, or earth and physical science. One unit of laboratory science is recommended.

Social Studies (3 units). Complete three units of social studies from such areas as global studies, history, or social studies electives.
Second Language (2 units). Includes one of the following: two years of the same high school level second language with grades of C- or above; a C- or above in the third year of a high school level language; two terms of a college-level second language with a grade of C- or above; or satisfactory performance on an approved assessment of second language proficiency. Demonstrated proficiency in American Sign Language (ASL) meets the second language requirement.

Special Admission

Students who do not meet the admission requirements may appeal to the Undergraduate Admissions Advisory Committee, which may recommend special admission. Students wishing to pursue this appeal should contact the Office of Admissions.

Proficiency-Based Admission Standards System (PASS)

These admission standards give applicants a better understanding of the academic skills necessary for admission to a public university in the state of Oregon. This complete and accurate assessment of academic skills enables universities to make informed admission decisions. Students in Oregon public high schools may use the Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM) to meet some of the standards required for admission. However, the CIM is not required for admission.

Admission of Transfer Students

Students transferring to SOU from a regionally accredited college or university must show evidence of honorable dismissal from the other collegiate institutions and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.25 in 36 quarter credits (or 24 semester credits) of acceptable college work. Applicants who hold an associate’s degree from a regionally accredited institution or an Oregon Transfer Module (OTM) will be admitted with a 2.00 GPA. SOU limits students to a maximum of 12 quarter credits (8 semester credits) of physical education activity and team participation credits that can be used toward meeting the transfer admission requirements. A transfer student with fewer than 36 transferable quarter credits must also meet requirements for freshman standing.

Post-1996 GED holders, as well as applicants who graduated from high school in 1997 or later must also submit a copy of their official high school academic records to prove they have successfully completed with a C- or better a minimum of two years (2 units) of study in a second language. An exception to this requirement will be made for transfers who have completed two terms (8 quarter credits) of a second language at the college level with a C- grade or better or who have achieved satisfactory performance on an approved second language proficiency assessment (ASL is acceptable).

Transfer applicants must submit an application for admission, the $60 application fee, and official transcripts from every institution of higher education attended. Transcripts must be sent from the prior institutions directly to the SOU Admissions Office. Transfer students are also encouraged to visit the campus.

Transfers should note that a minimum of 45 of the last 60 credits of coursework must be SOU credits to complete a degree. For more specific requirements, see the descriptions of the various degree programs in the catalog. A transfer map for satisfying SOU’s General Education Requirements can be found on the General Education Requirements  page.

Credit from Accredited Institutions

Advanced standing is granted to students transferring to SOU with acceptable records from regionally accredited institutions. The amount of credit granted depends on the nature and quality of the applicant’s previous work, evaluated according to Southern Oregon University’s academic requirements. The GPA of transferred credits is computed and used only as a basis for admission and is not included in a student’s SOU GPA.

Credit from Non-regionally Accredited Institutions

No credit is granted at entrance for work at a non-regionally accredited institution.

Credit from Two-Year Institutions

SOU accepts college-level credit toward a baccalaureate degree transferred from regionally accredited postsecondary institutions. Up to 24 credits of vocational-technical coursework that is applicable in an associate degree or certificate program at a regionally accredited institution may be accepted as elective credit along with the transfer credits. In regards to admission, up to 24 quarter vocational-technical credits can count toward the 36 quarter credits required to consider an applicant a transfer student, but the GPA from those vocational-technical credits will not be counted toward the cumulative GPA used to make an admissions decision.

Special Academic Credit

SOU considers granting credit for credit by examination, the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement (AP), and International Baccalaureate (IB). Please read Special Academic Credit on page 8 for more information.

Admission to Professional Programs

Admission to the University does not automatically guarantee admission to its professional programs and schools. Standards of admission and evaluation of transfer credit for such programs often include requirements beyond those stated in the general catalog. Students entering any of these programs or schools must be prepared to undertake the curriculum at their level of entry and to maintain school standards.

Admission of International Students

SOU is committed to diversifying its student body with the addition of students from other countries. Application materials for international students are available at

In addition to meeting the minimum English language requirements as outlined in the English Proficiency section below, international students are also required to submit a financial statement and official academic transcripts and to maintain adequate medical insurance. At the time of registration, students may enroll in a comprehensive medical insurance plan for themselves and their dependents through Southern Oregon University. For insurance information, contact the international student advisor at 541-552-6660.

English Proficiency

International Student Admissions

English proficiency must be demonstrated by all students whose native language is not English. This requirement can be met in one of the following ways:

TOEFL exam with scores of:
68 iBT or 520 paper-based for undergraduate applicants
76 iBT or 540 paper-based for graduate programs OR
IELTS exam with scores of:
Band 5.5 for undergraduate applicants with the minimum required score in each of the four IELTS Sub Skills (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing) of Band 5.0
Band 6.0 for graduate program applicants with minimum required in each of the four IELTS Sub Skills (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing) of Band 5.5 OR
SAT II English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) with scores of:
959 for undergraduate applicants
964 for graduate programs

Students whose English does not meet the requirement may enroll in SOU’s Intensive English Program (IEP). For more information on IEP, please visit:

Students whose native language is not English are also required to take English 101 in their first term of regular university level classes and English 102 in their second term of university level classes unless they have a TOEFL score of at least 92 iBT or 580 paper exam.

Postbaccalaureate Admission

Students interested in pursuing a second bachelor’s degree or in taking 9 or more credits of graduate coursework without being admitted to a master’s program are classified as postbaccalaureate students. Students who intend to take courses for undergraduate credit only may apply for postbaccalaureate nongraduate status, which allows them to pay undergraduate fees. Students must apply to the Office of Admissions to be admitted to postbaccalaureate status. The minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA required by the Admissions Office is 2.25 (4.0 system). Students pursuing certificate-only programs are not federal aid eligible.

Graduate Student Admission

Students interested in entering a graduate or licensing program must be admitted with graduate student status at the earliest possible time. Otherwise, courses completed at the University may not apply to the program. Graduate students must apply for admission to the University through the Office of Admissions, and may also be required to apply for admission to their specific graduate program of interest.

Regularly Admitted Graduate Students

Students pursuing a master’s degree are considered regularly admitted graduate students. Regular admission is granted once the student has met admission standards (see Graduate Programs). Students must apply to the Admissions Office and may need to apply to the specific master’s program. They must be in possession of a letter from the school’s graduate coordinator admitting them to the specific graduate program before graduate student status is official.

Residency Policy

In Oregon, as in all other states, instruction fees at publicly supported four-year universities are higher for nonresident students than for resident students.

The current rules and amendments used to determine residency seek to ensure that only bona fide Oregon residents are assessed resident tuition. Please see residency for the latest version of the residency policy (Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 580, Division 10, Board of Higher Education).

Western Undergraduate Exchange

Toll-free 855-470-3377

The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) program enables students in participating states and territories to enroll in designated programs at selected public colleges and universities at special tuition rates. Tuition for WUE students is 150 percent of resident tuition of the institution the student will attend. Residents of participating states and territories will automatically receive the Western Undergraduate Exchange tuition rate upon admission to SOU.

The following states and territories are participating in the WUE program: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

 All SOU undergraduate programs are eligible for the WUE.

Enrollment as a Nonadmitted Student

Nonadmitted Undergraduate Students

Students under the age of seventeen or who are still enrolled in high school should consult with the Pre-College Programs for options regarding taking University coursework. Any person seventeen or older with a standard (unmodified) high school diploma from an accredited high school or GED who has not been admitted to Southern Oregon University and who wishes to enroll in no more than 8 credits during an individual term may apply on-line as a nonadmitted undergraduate student. Nonadmitted applicants with a standard (unmodified) high school diploma from an accredited high school or GED are not required to submit transcripts, test scores, or pay an application fee.  Nonadmitted students must be able to meet the technical and academic qualifications for entry into the school, program, department, class or activity in order to be considered otherwise qualified.  They are not admitted to pursue a degree program or to attend the University full time.  Any person seventeen or older who is a graduate of a non-standard or unaccredited high school, or a home-schooled student who has not been admitted, should contact Enrollment Services for further information. (International students with visas must be cleared through the international student advisor before they register as nonadmitted students.)

The nonadmitted student category permits students to enroll in Southern Oregon University classes on a space-available basis no earlier than two weeks before the beginning of the term. The forms necessary for this type of enrollment are available on-line:  Nonadmitted student applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis; this review may include a request for, and review of, a portfolio of the student’s work. The course instructor(s) and the University have the discretion to preclude a student from participating in a course as a nonadmitted student due to lack of sufficient academic preparation or ability.

Nonadmitted Graduate Students

Any person with an undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution who has not been admitted to Southern Oregon University and who wishes to enroll in no more than 8 credits during an individual term may enroll as a nonadmitted graduate student. Graduate programs may only accept a specific number of these credits prior to granting approval for admission into the program. Please contact the appropriate graduate program coordinator for further assistance.

Nonadmitted applicants are not required to submit transcripts, test scores, or pay an application fee. Nonadmitted graduate students must be able to meet the technical and academic qualifications for entry into the graduate program, class or activity in order to be considered otherwise qualified. They are not admitted to pursue a degree program or to attend the University full time. Any person who earned an undergraduate degree from a non-accredited institution who has not been admitted should contact Enrollment Services for further information. (International students with visas must be cleared through the international student advisor before they register as nonadmitted students.)

The nonadmitted student category permits students to enroll in Southern Oregon University classes on a space-available basis no earlier than two weeks before the beginning of the term. The forms necessary for this type of enrollment are available online:  Nonadmitted student applications will be reviewed on a case by case basis; this review may include a request for, and review of, a portfolio of the student’s work. The course instructor(s) and the University have the discretion to preclude a student from participating in a course due to lack of sufficient academic preparation or ability.

Admission of Senior Citizens

Unless the class is taken for credit, Oregon residents who are at least sixty-five years of age may attend classes free of tuition (course fees still apply) on a space-available basis.  Due to the format of studio art instruction and lab use, auditing studio art courses is not permitted. See information under Academic Policies - Auditing.

New Student Programs

Each summer, new students admitted for Fall quarter are invited to campus to participate in a comprehensive, required orientation program before classes begin. The activities are designed to help new students get acquainted with faculty, administrators, and student leaders. Students also become familiar with various SOU services, clubs, organizations, and other extracurricular activities. Most importantly, students are introduced to the standards and expectations of the University as they are welcomed into the SOU community. A similar but abbreviated orientation program is offered for students who are admitted other terms.

Special Academic Credit

Advanced Placement

Students who have taken an advanced placement course of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) at their secondary school and who have taken Advanced Placement (AP) examinations of CEEB may receive credit based on their scores. No credit is given for an examination with scores of 1 or 2. Scores must be received directly from CEEB for the student to be awarded credit.

Credit by Examination

Regularly enrolled full-time undergraduates with exceptional proficiency in an academic subject offered by the University may take an examination to receive university credit toward degree requirements. Credit by examination is not available for practicum or field experience courses, nor is it available for Special Studies, Research, Workshop, Reading and Conference, Seminar, or other similarly titled courses. A maximum limit of 24 term credits may be earned. Credit by examination does not count as resident credit.

To challenge a course by examination, a student must obtain the approval of the instructor, advisor, and department chair; apply to the registrar (applications are available in Enrollment Services); and pay the credit by examination fee. The application will be denied if the student has previously: a) received credit for the course at this or another college; b) challenged the course and received an NP; or c) completed courses at a higher level of competency (e.g., a student registered in or having completed a second year language may not earn credit by examination in the first-year language).

The examination may be a standardized test or a thorough, comprehensive examination on the entire course. The comprehensive exam is prepared by members of the teaching faculty who normally teach the course being challenged. Results of the course challenge shall be recorded as P (grade C- or above) or NP on the student’s transcript and will not be used to compute the grade point average.

Students seeking credit for 100- and 200-level second-language coursework are granted the following exception to the Credit by Exam policy: students who place in a course beyond 101, enroll in the course within one year of taking the placement exam, and complete the higher level course with a B or better may receive credit for the lower level courses. Students must apply for credit within one term of completing the higher level course. The placement exam itself will not meet BA language requirements.  In addition, students who place in the 300-level of Spanish may take an additional written exam to place into SPAN 312, 322, 323, or 412. Students who place into one of those courses and successfully complete it with a B or better may purchase credits for SPAN 310 and 311.

International Baccalaureate

SOU evaluates IB test scores much in the same way it evaluates AP scores. Students must have official test scores sent to the Office of Admissions. SOU may award credit to students who receive a 5 or higher on most Standard Level and Higher Level IB examinations. For more information please contact Admissions or visit:

College Level Examination Program

Southern Oregon University allows credit for College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams. This credit is subject to the following guidelines:

Students may earn as many credits through CLEP as they are able to successfully pass, providing the examination does not duplicate credit previously earned. In instances where an exam offers multiple course credit (Freshman College Composition, for example), students will be permitted to take the exam to earn CLEP credits solely for the coursework not previously taken.

  1. A student is allowed only one attempt in each course to acquire credit through CLEP. Students who have taken but not passed a course may subsequently attempt to acquire credit in the course through CLEP. If they fail, they can acquire credit only by repeating the course. If the student fails the examination, it is not recorded on the student’s academic record.
  2. Students who have taken CLEP examinations prior to entering Southern Oregon University may transfer their credit. They must have passed the examination with a score at or above the minimum level accepted by the University, and the University must approve the examinations for credit.

Military Credit

Southern Oregon University generally grants credit for some military education experiences as recommended by the American Council on Educations Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services and in accordance with SOU and Oregon’s Public Universities’ (OPU’s) policies regarding transfer credits. Students may request evaluation of credits earned through the Community College of the Air Force, Defense Language Institute, or military education. Students must submit official copies of college transcripts or a Certificate of Completion from the Defense Language Institute. An official copy of the students DD 214, DD 295, SMART, or AARTS transcript is required for military education and occupational credits.

Correspondence Credit

SOU accepts up to 60 credits of extension study, 24 of which may be by correspondence from regionally accredited institutions. For further information about special credit programs, contact Admissions.

Credit for Prior Learning

Credit for prior learning is available to students. See the Academic Policies section for more information on Credit for Prior Learning.

Accelerated Baccalaureate Degree

The University offers the Accelerated Baccalaureate Degree Program for those students who have the motivation, maturity, time-management skills, and academic strengths necessary to finish a degree in three rather than four years. Advantages of the program are earlier entry into the job market, a focused undergraduate program as preparation for graduate school, and financial savings on one full year of tuition and fees.

To view a list of participating majors and for more information, see the Accelerated Baccalaureate Degree program section in this catalog, or visit