Academic Affairs
Churchill 112
General Education
The faculty has developed a General Education curriculum that must be completed by all baccalaureate students regardless of the major or type of baccalaureate degree.
The General Education program is made up of 39-44 credits. Students take a variety of lower-division and upper-division classes in subjects they select to develop their capacities for Purposeful Learning (PL), Communication and Expression (CE), Creativity and Innovation (CI), Inquiry and Analysis (IA), Numerical Literacy (NL), and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). For more information, see the General Education Requirements page.
Arts and Sciences Programs
At SOU, the arts and sciences are distributed across multiple academic programs and disciplines. Two types of degree programs are available. For subject matter degrees, the major field of study is concentrated within one academic program. In the case of interdisciplinary degrees, the major work is drawn from two or more fields of study from different programs.
Professional Programs
SOU professional programs are centered in Business, Education, and Psychology and Sociology. The professional degree programs emphasize in-depth coursework and also draw upon the Arts and Sciences programs for supporting coursework and a strong student-learning, outcomes-focused, and general education component. A wide variety of emphases are available within the professional programs. Please see the academic program areas in Business, Education, and programs in Psychology and Sociology for information on professional programs.
Program Planning
Students should consider the following when planning a degree program:
- General Education. Students must complete 39-44 credits of General Education requirements, as described on the General Education Requirements page.
- Academic Progress. Students planning to complete the bachelor’s degree in four years should take at least 15 to 16 credits a term each year.
- Class Schedule. Available online, the class schedule lists the classes available each quarter.
- Course Content. For specific course information, consult the course description in this catalog or request a syllabus from the academic program or instructor offering the course. Texts for a course may be reviewed in the University Bookstore.
- Special Course Scheduling Considerations. Many language and science course sequences begin fall quarter and cannot be entered midyear. Some courses have laboratory work that must be taken concurrently with the lecture component of the course. Students intending a major with a science specialty should consult program advisors early on about supporting coursework requirements in mathematics and science.
Placement Exams
The appropriate SOU placement level is determined by placement exams in foreign languages and mathematics. For more information on mathematics exams, see the Mathematics section of this catalog. For more information on foreign language placement exams, contact the Spanish & American Sign Language program.
Baccalaureate Degree Requirements
- Minimum term credits: 180.
- Completion of the General Education requirements. See the catalog section on General Education Requirements .
- Work in upper division courses: Minimum of 60 credits.
- Satisfaction of the departmental requirements for a major. This must be certified by the program chair.
- Work in residence: Minimum 45 credits of last 60.
Students pursuing a bachelor of arts or bachelor of science degree must complete the special requirements for these degrees. See BA/BS Requirements .
Second Language Requirement: All B.S., B.F.A., B.A.S., and B.M. degrees require satisfaction of a second language requirement through one of the following paths. B.A. requirements for second language are enumerated separately.
A. Complete the equivalent of at least two years of high school second language study
with a grade of C- or better in the final course, or
B. Complete, through at least the 102 level, a second language at the college level (at
either SOU or as transfer credit), with a grade of C- or better in 102, or
C. Demonstrate second language, heritage language, or Tribal language proficiency at the
Oregon Department of Education Benchmark 4 (equivalent to the ACTFL novice-high
Grade Point Average: Minimum 2.0 in the major, minor, and overall. Some programs have a higher minimum GPA requirement for their majors and minors (see requirements for the major and minors in the academic program listing).
- Restrictions:
- Courses numbered below 100 that are taken after fall term 1982 do not apply toward graduation requirements.
Note: Courses numbered 0-49 taken prior to fall term 1982 are not applicable toward graduation requirements; 50-99 are applicable toward graduation as electives only.
- Open course numbers limitation:
- 199, 299, 399, 401, 403, 405, and 407 courses are limited to 45 credits in the overall program.
- 409 practicum courses are limited to 16 credits a prefix (e.g., WR, SPAN, SOAN), and 32 credits for the overall program.
- Courses that were taken as open-numbered courses but subsequently became regularly scheduled (non-open-numbered) courses should not be counted in the credit limits on open-numbered courses.
- Correspondence study: Maximum 24 credits.
- Extension study: Maximum 60 credits (including the above).
- Prior learning experience: Maximum 90 credits approved.
- Maximum 12 credits of PE 180 and PEA 180 allowed for graduation
BA/BS Requirements
Requirements for the BA and BS do not apply to students completing the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (BFA). Bachelor of Arts Degree (BA)
For this degree, students must complete the equivalent of one year of study of a foreign language at the second-year level or above, earning a C- or better in each course, at Southern Oregon University or another accredited college or university; complete four years of study of a single foreign language at the high school level; or successfully complete a proficiency examination administered by the Foreign Languages and Literatures program. Contact the Foreign Languages and Literatures program for information about the proficiency exam. Bachelor of Science Degree (BS)
Complete at least two courses (7 or more credits) in mathematics, designated programming courses, designated statistics courses, or designated logic courses, earning a C- or better in each. The following programming, statistics and logic courses have been approved for this requirement: