Sep 27, 2024  
2016-17 Catalog 
2016-17 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions




Sociology and Anthropology

  • SOAN 544 - Organizational Sociology

    4 credits
    Analyzes theory and research on formal organizations in contemporary societies. Examines sources and forms of power and authority, management ideologies, organizational cultures, bureaucratic structures and processes, organizational change, relationships between organizations and other aspects of social structure. Particular attention given to special characteristics of nonprofit organizations and alternatives to bureaucracy. Prerequisite(s): SOAN 204  or SOC 204, and 8 credits of upper division sociology.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless otherwise noted: SOC 544.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SOAN 552 - Global Environmental Movements

    4 credits
    Explores the diversity of contemporary environmental movements through ethnographic case studies from different parts of the world. In each case, we will consider how environmental conflicts and movements are shaped by cultural contexts and relations of power. Topics will include conservation, environmental justice, land rights, social movements, political ecology, and theories on nature, culture, and social change. The goal of the course is to expand students’ awareness of how people view nature cross-culturally, how understandings of environment shape social movements, and how local and global processes shape people, places, and environmental struggles. Prerequisite(s): Graduate standing.
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless otherwise noted: ANTH 552.
    Graded (A-F) only


  • SPAN 101 - Beginning Spanish Language and Culture I

    4 credits
    Enables students to reach at least novice high proficiency and introduces them to the cultural differences of Spanish speakers. Materials include texts, CDs, videotapes, films, and elementary cultural and literary readings. Closed to native speakers of Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SOU Spanish Placement Level 1.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 102 - Beginning Spanish Language and Culture II

    4 credits
    Enables students to reach at least novice high proficiency and introduces them to the cultural differences of Spanish speakers. Materials include texts, CDs, videotapes, films, and elementary cultural and literary readings. Closed to native speakers of Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SOU Spanish Placement Level 2 or SPAN 101 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 103 - Beginning Spanish Language and Culture III

    4 credits
    Enables students to reach at least novice high proficiency and introduces them to the cultural differences of Spanish speakers. Materials include texts, CDs, videotapes, films, and elementary cultural and literary readings. Closed to native speakers of Spanish. Prerequisite(s):  SPAN 102 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 199 - Special Studies

    1 to 18 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 201 - Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture I

    4 credits
    Enables students to reach intermediate mid language proficiency; to compare cultural ideas; and to analyze issues, problems, and practices of the native and target language groups. Students are required to communicate in Spanish on topics ranging from everyday life, family, and work to political, economic, and social questions affecting culture. Materials include literary and cultural texts, audiotapes, videotapes, films, art, and performances. Closed to native speakers of Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SOU Spanish Placement Level 3 or SPAN 103 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 202 - Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture II

    4 credits
    Enables students to reach intermediate mid language proficiency; to compare cultural ideas; and to analyze issues, problems, and practices of the native and target language groups. Students are required to communicate in Spanish on topics ranging from everyday life, family, and work to political, economic, and social questions affecting culture. Materials include literary and cultural texts, audiotapes, videotapes, films, art, and performances. Closed to native speakers of Spanish. Approved for University Studies (Explorations Strand E–Humanities). Prerequisite(s): SOU Spanish Placement Level 4 or SPAN 201 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 203 - Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture III

    4 credits
    Enables students to reach intermediate mid language proficiency; to compare cultural ideas; and to analyze issues, problems, and practices of the native and target language groups. Students are required to communicate in Spanish on topics ranging from everyday life, family, and work to political, economic, and social questions affecting culture. Materials include literary and cultural texts, audiotapes, videotapes, films, art, and performances. Closed to native speakers of Spanish. Approved for University Studies (Explorations Strand E–Humanities). Prerequisite(s):  SPAN 202 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 209 - Practicum

    1 to 15 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Graded Pass/No Pass only
  • SPAN 299 - Special Studies

    1 to 18 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 310 - Hispanic Culture, Composition, and Conversation

    4 credits
    Designed to promote an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures and societies, with emphasis on the development of oral and written expression. Cultural topics may include historical influences on contemporary culture; art and media; and societal, religious, and political institutions. Topics may serve as the basis for in-class discussion and written assignments. Course may also include discussion groups outside of class. Students practice the fundamentals of composition by writing in a variety of formats, including descriptions, summaries, expository writing, narration, and research papers. Students are expected to enter SPAN 310 at or above the intermediate mid level of proficiency (as defined by ACTFL Guidelines) in receptive and productive skills. They should exit the 312 course at or above the intermediate high level. Taught in Spanish. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite(s): SOU Spanish Placement Level 7 or SPAN 203 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 311 - Hispanic Culture, Composition, and Conversation

    4 credits
    Designed to promote an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures and societies, with emphasis on the development of oral and written expression. Cultural topics may include historical influences on contemporary culture; art and media; and societal, religious, and political institutions. Topics may serve as the basis for in-class discussion and written assignments. Course may also include discussion groups outside of class. Students practice the fundamentals of composition by writing in a variety of formats, including descriptions, summaries, expository writing, narration, and research papers. Students are expected to enter SPAN 310  at or above the intermediate mid level of proficiency (as defined by ACTFL Guidelines) in receptive and productive skills. They should exit the 312 course at or above the intermediate high level. Taught in Spanish. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 310 . Language and culture majors only.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 312 - Hispanic Culture, Composition, and Conversation

    4 credits
    Designed to promote an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures and societies, with emphasis on the development of oral and written expression. Cultural topics may include historical influences on contemporary culture; art and media; and societal, religious, and political institutions. Topics may serve as the basis for in-class discussion and written assignments. Course may also include discussion groups outside of class. Students practice the fundamentals of composition by writing in a variety of formats, including descriptions, summaries, expository writing, narration, and research papers. Students are expected to enter SPAN 310  at or above the intermediate mid level of proficiency (as defined by ACTFL Guidelines) in receptive and productive skills. They should exit the 312 course at or above the intermediate high level. Taught in Spanish. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 311 . Language and culture majors only.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 312H - Honors Hispanic Culture, Composition, and Conversation

    4 credits
    Designed to promote an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures and societies, with emphasis on the development of oral and written expression. Cultural topics may include historical influences on contemporary culture; art and media; and societal, religious, and political institutions. Topics may serve as the basis for in-class discussion and written assignments. Course may also include discussion groups outside of class. Students practice the fundamentals of composition by writing in a variety of formats, including descriptions, summaries, expository writing, narration, and research papers. Students are expected to enter SPAN 310  at or above the intermediate mid level of proficiency (as defined by ACTFL Guidelines) in receptive and productive skills. They should exit the 312 course at or above the intermediate high level. Taught in Spanish. Must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 311 .
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 315 - Spanish Grammar Review

    4 credits
    Offers intermediate-level students an overview of Spanish grammar, with an emphasis on common problem areas for English speakers. Includes theoretical explanations and extensive practice. Prepares students for the advanced work expected in upper division courses in Spanish language and literature. Concurrent enrollment in SPAN 310  recommended. Prerequisite(s): SOU Spanish Placement Level 7 or SPAN 203 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 320 - Topics in Hispanic Film

    4 credits
    Examines selected topics in Hispanic cinema, focusing on insights into cultures, history, and film production and practices in Hispanic countries, with additional emphases on film theory, form in film, and the major Hispanic film industries (Spain, Mexico, Argentina, and Cuba). Courses may focus on topics such as masterpieces of film, great directors, women in cinema, cultural identity, post-structuralism, or post-colonialism. Papers, presentations and discussion in Spanish. May be repeated for credit when topic changes. Repeatable for a maximum of 12 credits. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 203  
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 321 - Introduction to Reading Hispanic Literature

    4 credits
    Introduction to reading and analysis of literary texts written in Spanish. Emphasizes developing reading skills, with continued attention to speaking, writing, comprehension, and cultural content. Secondary emphasis is on literary forms (novel, short story, poem, play). Designed for intermediate low to mid speakers. Provides transitional reading experience prior to entering study abroad programs or upper division literature courses. Closed to students who have completed SPAN 322 or 323. Prerequisite(s):   
    * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless otherwise noted: SPAN 301.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 324 - Great Works in Hispanic Literature

    4 credits
    Surveys major writers and trends in the literature of Spain and Spanish America.  Examines a wide range of genres and representative authors on each side of the Atlantic.  Special consideration will be given to the political, historical, social and aesthetic dimension of the literature and its role in the development of Hispanic identity.  Consists of careful readings of great works of literature, and classroom time will focus on the analysis and discussion of these texts. Course conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SOU Spanish Placement Level 7 or SPAN 321  .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 331 - Spanish Phonetics/Phonology

    4 credits
    Offers a thorough study of the fundamentals of Spanish pronunciation and phonetics. Focuses on phonology and corrective phonetics to improve individual pronunciation. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 311 .
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 399 - Special Studies

    1 to 18 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 401 - Research

    1 to 6 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 403 - Thesis

    1 to 9 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 405 - Reading and Conference

    1 to 6 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 406 - Community-Based Work Experience

    1 to 15 credits
    A practicum work experience in local or foreign businesses, schools, or other agencies where Spanish is required. Carried out in Spanish and overseen by a faculty member. Requires 30 hours of work per credit. The community-based work experience is generally a part-time work or volunteer experience carried out over several weeks. Students in the Spanish Track A are required to complete at least 4 credits of community-based work. Students file a statement of work and learning objectives with their academic supervisor, write reports and journals, and secure a written evaluation from the work supervisor. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Demonstrated advanced proficiency and six courses of

    SPAN 310 , SPAN 311 , SPAN 312 , SPAN 315 , SPAN 322 SPAN 323  and SPAN 331  

    Graded Pass/No Pass only

  • SPAN 407 - Seminar

    1 to 4 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 408 - International Internship

    6 to 15 credits
    Full-time work internship in a Spanish-speaking country. Students work at schools, businesses, social services, or other institutions. Requires 30 hours of work per credit. Students file a statement of work and learning objectives with their academic supervisor, write reports, and secure written evaluations from their work supervisor. Repeatable. Prerequisite(s): Demonstrated advanced language proficiency, junior standing or above and SPAN 310 , SPAN 311 , SPAN 312 .
    Graded Pass/No Pass only
  • SPAN 409 - Practicum

    1 to 12 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable for a maximum of 15 credits. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Graded Pass/No Pass only
  • SPAN 412 - Advanced Composition, Conversation, and Culture

    4 credits
    Designed for heritage speakers of Spanish or advanced students with substantial experience abroad. Students examine the diversity of Hispanic cultures while improving their written and oral proficiency in the language. Cultural topics serve as the basis for in-class discussion and written assignments. Taught in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 414 - U.S./Latino Issues

    4 credits
    Examines a wide range of societal issues that impact the Latino population in the United States.  Topics may include immigration, bilingual education, cultural assimilation and identity, etc.  Fosters an understanding of the historical and political factors that contribute to the diverse Latino communities, including Mexican Americans/Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, Dominican Americans, and Central and South Americans. Course conducted entirely in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 312   or Spanish Placement Level 7.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPAN 421 - Selected Genre or Period Studies

    3 to 4 credits
    Selected topics addressing theoretical, literary, and aesthetic issues of a designated genre or period of Spanish or Hispano-American literature. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or above. SPAN 322 , SPAN 323  
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 422 - Major Literary Figures

    3 to 4 credits
    Involves reading and analysis of outstanding works by an author or group of authors from Spain or Hispano-America. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 311  , SPAN 321  ,  SPAN 312 , or SPAN 412 ; and SPAN 322  or SPAN 323  and junior standing.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 425 - Topics in Contemporary Hispanic Literature and Society

    3 to 4 credits each
    Explores selected topics addressing the nature and complexity of thought, aesthetics, and social reality in a period of twentieth-century Spanish or Hispano-American history, as exemplified by a particular group of literary and nonliterary texts. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 311 SPAN 321  ,  SPAN 312 , or SPAN 412 ; and SPAN 322 , SPAN 323  and junior standing.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 441 - Topics in Hispanic Culture

    3 to 4 credits each
    Explores selected topics addressing basic cultural differences in the Hispanic world. Examines cultural constructs as they relate to institutions, artistic forms, customs, and beliefs. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 311 , SPAN 312 . Junior standing or above.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 481 - Topics in Theoretical and Applied Spanish Linguistics

    3 to 4 credits each
    Explores selected topics in the four dimensions of language: phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 311 , SPAN 312 . Junior standing or above.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 482 - Topics in Writing and Translation

    3 to 4 credits each
    Explores selected topics in the practical applications of linguistic principles through writing and translation. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics. Prerequisite(s):  SPAN 321  and SPAN 311 SPAN 312  or SPAN 412 ; and SPAN 322  or SPAN 323  and junior standing.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 498 - Capstone: Research and Writing Seminar

    4 credits
    Designed to be the culminating project of the Spanish major, builds from a previous research and writing paper completed with a B or better from a 400-level literature, culture, or linguistics course taken at SOU and is normally taken in the spring term before graduation. Emphasizes three processes: 1) creating a capstone essay by polishing and expanding the analytical and rhetorical content of the original term paper; 2) expanding the original scholarly investigation and creating an annotated bibliography; and 3) presenting orally the final research to University faculty. All work in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and successful completion of at least two 400-level Spanish courses.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 501 - Research

    1 to 6 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 503 - Thesis

    1 to 9 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 505 - Reading and Conference

    1 to 6 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 507 - Seminar

    1 to 4 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 509 - Practicum

    1 to 15 credits
    Credits to be arranged. Repeatable for a maximum of 15 credits.
    Graded Pass/No Pass only.
  • SPAN 510 - Advanced Spanish Conversation

    1 credit
    Designed to improve Spanish conversational skills. Students will learn about and discuss a wide variety of current topics, including historical influences on contemporary culture; art and media; and societal, religious, and political institutions. Repeatable for a maximum of 3 credits that may be applied to degree requirements.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPAN 516 - Topics in Spanish Language Pedagogy

    2 credits
    Designed as a teaching praxis companion course to other courses on Spanish language, culture, and literature, this course addresses issues of how to teach newly acquired subject matter from the corresponding courses in the foreign language classroom. Must be repeated for credit with each of the foreign language/culture courses. Repeatable.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPAN 520 - Topics in Spanish or Latin American Film

    3 credits
    Offers an in-depth study of selected topics in Hispanic cinema, focusing on insights into cultures, history, or film production and practices in Hispanic countries. Emphasizes film theory, form in film, and film industries. Topics include masterpieces of film, directors, women in cinema, cultural identity, post-structuralism, post-colonialism, and other recent cultural topics. Repeat credit is allowed for different topics.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPAN 521 - Selected Genre or Period Studies

    3 to 4 credits
    Selected topics addressing theoretical, literary, and aesthetic issues of a designated genre or period of Spanish or Hispano-American literature. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 522 - Major Literary Figures

    3 to 4 credits
    Involves reading and analysis of outstanding works by an author or group of authors from Spain or Hispano-America. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 525 - Topics in Contemporary Hispanic Literature and Society

    3 to 4 credits
    Explores selected topics addressing the nature and complexity of thought, aesthetics, and social reality in a period of twentieth-century Spanish or Hispano-American history, as exemplified by a particular group of literary and nonliterary texts. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 532 - Communicative Grammar

    3 credits
    Addresses problem areas of Spanish grammar as they pertain to English speakers with an intermediate to advanced level of Spanish proficiency. Contextualizes grammar through a focus on authentic discourse and the communicative value of each grammatical function, as well as providing theoretical explanations and extensive practice.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPAN 541 - Topics in Hispanic Culture

    3 to 4 credits
    Explores selected topics addressing basic cultural differences in the Hispanic world. Examines cultural constructs as they relate to institutions, artistic forms, customs, and beliefs. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 581 - Topics in Theoretical and Applied Spanish Linguistics

    3 to 4 credits
    Explores selected topics in the four dimensions of language: phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. All activities conducted in Spanish. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPAN 582 - Topics in Writing and Translation

    3 to 4 credits
    Explores selected topics in the practical applications of linguistic principles through writing and translation. Repeat credit is allowed for varying topics.
    Graded (A-F) only

Special Education

  • SPED 417 - Curriculum for the Talented and Gifted

    3 credits
    Emphasizes methods of adapting the regular classroom curriculum to mainstreamed gifted or talented students. Includes techniques for individualizing instruction, using resources, and educating parents. For regular or special classroom teachers.
  • SPED 505 - Reading and Conference

    1 to 6 credits
    Credits to be arranged. May not be repeated for additional credit.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 510 - Practicum II: Assessment

    3 credits
    Follows Special Educator I and II assessment courses. Involves the preparation of a work sample for the Special Educator I applicant. Includes completion of a comprehensive assessment covering both language arts and math (such as the administration of a complete Woodcock-Johnson battery).
  • SPED 511A - Internship I

    4 credits
    Half-day full-term internship at either the elementary or secondary level which requires the intern to manage the special education setting to which they are assigned.  When appropriate, interns assume total responsibility for student instruction, scheduling, management and mainstreaming, as well as working with classroom assistants, parents, volunteers and regular education staff.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPED 511B - Internship II

    4 credits
    Half-day full-term internship at the alternate level as SPED 511B.  Interns are required to assume total responsibility for student instruction, scheduling, management and mainstreaming, as well as working with classroom assistants, parents, volunteers and regular education staff.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPED 512 - Orientation to Professional Studies

    1 credit
    Serves as the introduction to the teaching profession, specifically to being a special educator. Topics covered will be ethics, standards of conduct, scholarship, professional learning communities, and other areas to enhance participation in the SOU Special Education Program, and in the candidate’s professional career.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPED 513A - Seminar in Professional Studies

    1 credit
    Continuing course for candidates in the Special Education Stand-Alone Program. Further examines the traits and characteristics of professional educators as they apply to practice, fostering integration of course content with fieldwork, preparation for work samples, and topical issues in special education. Repeatable for a maximum of 2 credits. Prerequisite(s): Required in fall and winter terms.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPED 513B - Seminar in Professional Development

    3 credits
    Continuing course for candidates in the Special Education Stand-Alone Program. Focuses on topical issues in special education (e.g., working with instructional assistants, preparation for job seeking, etc.), work sample preparation, and continued professional development. Offered in spring term.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPED 514 - Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment - Special Education

    4 credits
    Introduces students to the study of classroom instructional processes by focusing on “Learning and Learners” and “Teaching and Learning”. Emphasis on effective strategies for standards-based education and the implementation of the “Oregon Education Act for the 21st Century”; as well as specific strategies to enhance effective learning and teaching in regular and special education settings. Special attention will be given to creating effective learning experiences for diverse learners and understanding general education curriculum development. Prerequisite(s): Must be admitted to the Special Education Stand Alone Program, or with approval of Program Coordinator.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 515 - Understanding the Needs of the Talented and Gifted

    3 credits
    Introduces the regular classroom teacher, administrator, or parent to the education of gifted children. Includes historical perspectives, characteristics of gifted and talented students, definitions of giftedness, principles of acceleration and enrichment, parenting, and legal issues.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 516 - Identification and Assessment of the Gifted or Talented Child

    3 credits
    Introduces the basics of assessment techniques for identifying traits of giftedness and types of talent. Considers standardized and informal testing procedures, types of instruments used, and Oregon statutory requirements.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 517 - Curriculum for the Talented and Gifted

    3 credits
    Emphasizes methods of adapting the regular classroom curriculum to mainstreamed gifted or talented students. Includes techniques for individualizing instruction, using resources, and educating parents. For regular or special classroom teachers.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 518 - Models for Developing Programs for the Talented and Gifted

    3 credits
    Presents current K-12 models and systems for teaching talented and gifted students. Examines possible implementations of these approaches. Investigates research behind the models and explores techniques used for recognizing and developing the full potential of talented and gifted individuals in public schools.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 519A - Action Research in Special Education: Initial Licensure

    4 credits
    Develops knowledge and skills in appropriate action research techniques.  Students design studies to be carried out during the academic year, collect data appropriate to the special education setting, and develop a research plan and report. Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students in the Special Education Licensure Program or by instructor approval.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 519B - Action Research in Special Education: Added Endorsement

    3 credits
    Develops knowledge and skills in appropriate action research techniques.  Students develop skills in designing studies to be carried out during the academic year, collecting data appropriate to the special education setting, and developing research plans and reports.  Restricted to students in the Special Education Added Endorsement Program or by instructor approval. Prerequisite(s): Restricted to students in the Special Education Added Endorsement Program or by instructor approval.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 520 - Law and Policy

    4 credits
    Provides an overview of laws and litigation affecting special education. Includes the development of laws that govern special education beginning with P.L. 94-142 through the current re-authorization of IDEIA. Reviews section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Includes a review of major litigation since 1954 that has shaped and continues to influence special education practices. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 521 - Collaboration, Consultation, and Communication

    4 credits
    Discusses collaboration with parents, colleagues in general and special education, and community agencies. Addresses diversity and cultural competence from a social justice perspective. Candidates are expected to have the knowledge and ability to communicate with agencies outside the school that impact individuals with disabilities. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 522 - Administration and Interpretation of Assessment Instruments

    4 credits
    As a sequence to SPED 527, prepares teachers to interpret results from standardized norm referenced assessments, as well as teacher-made, curriculum-based assessment instruments commonly used in public schools. Covers writing assessment reports, as well as interpreting the reports of others and explaining the results to parents and other teachers. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 523 - Behavior Management

    4 credits
    Introduces the theory, vocabulary, principles, and techniques for fostering a learning environment with a positive atmosphere. Includes a variety of management models, ways to preserve the dignity and human rights of students with disabilities, and legal and district policy responsibilities regarding behavior and behavior management. Candidates learn strategies for assessing individual and group behavior and apply theories to develop behavior management plans for both group and individual students. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 524 - Interventions in Academic Skills: Mathematics Methods

    4 credits
    Provides instruction in the planning, development, and implementation of academic curricula and lessons for the student with special needs, with emphasis on mathematics. Major topics include modifying the general education curricula, developing parallel curricula, and providing supplemental curricula. Emphasizes creating opportunities for students with special needs to succeed in a general education setting by utilizing appropriate modifications whenever possible. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 525 - Interventions in Functional Skills

    4 credits
    Develops candidates’ skills in designing interventions for students with severe disabilities. Includes instruction in self-help skill development, social skills, home-living management, recreational activities, dietary instruction, and a variety of living and family-life skills. Discusses transitions from early educational settings to those provided for the older student, with a primary focus on the transition from school to community life. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 526 - IEP Development

    4 credits
    Covers the preparation, development, implementation, and evaluation of the IEP and all of the review procedures relating to individualized programming. Prepares special education teachers to plan and conduct meetings in accordance with federal, state, and district regulations. Bridges information gained in assessment and intervention classes and provides practical experience in developing programs based on that information. Introduces technology appropriate to the development and maintenance of records. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 528 - Characteristics of Exceptionalities

    3 credits
    Focuses on the categories of disability included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act. Includes information about organic and environmental causes of disabilities, definitions for each category of eligibility, and criteria for identifying students under each eligibility category. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
  • SPED 529 - Interventions in Academic Skills: Reading Methods

    4 credits
    Prepares students to extend their study of classroom teaching processes by integrating information and knowledge from other courses taken during the fall term into the study of learning to read and best practices in reading instruction. Emphasizes effective strategies for standards-based reading education, assessment, and creating effective learning experiences for diverse learners. Intended for students in the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 530 - Law and Policy

    4 credits
    Provides an overview of laws and litigation affecting special education. Includes the development of laws that govern special education beginning with P.L. 94-142 through the current re-authorization of IDEIA, a review of section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Includes a review of major litigation since 1954 that has shaped and continues to influence special education practices. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program and the Stand-Alone endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 531 - Collaboration, Consultation, and Communication

    3 credits
    Discusses collaboration and consultation with parents, colleagues in general and special education, and community agencies. Addresses diversity and cultural competence from a social justice perspective. Students are expected to have the knowledge and ability to communicate with agencies outside the school that impact individuals with disabilities. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 532 - Administration and Interpretation of Assessment Instruments

    3 credits
    Prepares teachers to interpret results from standardized norm referenced assessments, as well as teacher-made, curriculum-based assessment instruments commonly used in public schools. Covers writing assessment reports, as well as interpreting the reports of others and explaining the results to parents and other teachers. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 533 - Behavior Management

    3 credits
    Introduces the theory, vocabulary, principles, and techniques for fostering a learning environment with a positive atmosphere. Includes a variety of management models, ways to preserve the dignity and human rights of students with disabilities, and legal and district policy responsibilities regarding behavior and behavior management. Students learn strategies for assessing individual and group behavior and apply theories to develop behavior management plans for both groups and individual students. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 534 - Interventions in Academic Skills: Mathematics Methods

    3 credits
    Provides instruction in the planning, development, and implementation of academic curriculum and lessons for the student with special needs, with emphasis on mathematics. major topics include modifying the general education curriculum, developing parallel curriculum, and providing supplemental curriculum. Emphasizes creating opportunities for students with special needs to succeed in a general education setting by utilizing appropriate modifications whenever possible. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 535 - Interventions in Functional Skills

    3 credits
    Develops skills in designing interventions for students with severe disabilities. Includes instruction in self-help skill development, social skills, home-living management, recreational activities, dietary instruction, and a variety of living and family-life skills. Discusses transitions from early educational settings to those provided for the older student, with a primary focus on the transition from school to community life. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 536 - IEP Development

    3 credits
    Covers the preparation, development, implementation, and evaluation of the IEP and all of the review procedures relating to individualized programming. Prepares special education teachers to plan and conduct meetings in accordance with federal, state, and district regulations. Bridges information gained in assessment and interventions classes and provides practical experience in developing programs based on that information. Introduces technology appropriate to the development and maintenance of records. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 538 - Characteristics of Exceptionalities

    3 credits
    Focuses on the categories of exceptionalities included in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act and Oregon OARs. Includes information about causes of exceptionalities, definitions for each category of eligibility, and criteria for identifying students under each eligibility category. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 539 - Interventions in Academic Skills: Reading Methods

    3 credits
    Prepares students to extend their study of classroom teaching processes by integrating information and knowledge from other courses taken during the fall term into the study of learning to read and best practices in reading instruction. Emphasizes effective strategies for standards-based reading education, assessment, and creating effective learning experiences for diverse learners. Intended for students in the Dual endorsement program.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 540A - Student Teaching Initial Experience I

    3 credits
    Full-day field experience which requires students to observe and assist an experienced special education as the school year begins.  Students engage in one-one-one and small group instruction, become familiar with the learning environment, and begin to collect data regarding assessments, curriculum, students, and ways in which services are scheduled and delivered.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 540B - Student Teaching Initial Experience II

    6 credits
    Half-day field experience which requires students to assist a special education teacher at either the elementary or secondary level in delivering services to students with special needs.  Students conduct formal and informal assessments within the special education setting or other identified students; attend special education related meetings; collaborate with special and general education colleagues.  Students are required to demonstrate competency in all areas of special education including assessment, instruction, planning and evaluation.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPED 541 - Transition Planning for Students with Special Needs

    3 credits
    Prepares the special educator to understand the goals of Oregon’s Employment First Initiative. The course will inform the learner about the supports required for students with disabilities to insure a meaningful, smooth transition from school services to adult life, competitive employment or continuing education.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 550A - Student Teaching Alternate Experience I

    4 credits
    Half-day field experience which requires students to assist a special education teacher at the alternate level as SPED 540A in delivering services to students with special needs.  Students conduct formal and informal assessments within the special education setting or other identified students; attend special education related meetings; and collaborate with special and general education colleagues.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPED 550B - Student Teaching Alternate Experience II

    7 credits
    Full-day field experience which requires students to assist a special education teacher at the alternate level as SPED 540 in delivering services to students with special needs.  Students are required to demonstrate competency in all areas of special education including assessment, instruction, planning and evaluation.
    Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
  • SPED 551 - Multiple Disabilities

    3 credits
    Intended for instructors dealing with students who have severe or multiple disabilities. Includes the latest information on medical and related services, such as speech and physical therapy techniques and assistive devices. Explores techniques for serving students with low-incidence disabilities (including complex syndromes); deaf, blind, and deaf-blind students; and others who need specialized interventions.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 552 - Advanced Interventions in Academic Skills

    3 credits
    Features interventions for students with mild or moderate disabilities who function well in academic areas. Includes practical, contemporary techniques for achieving academic goals and objectives in reading, language, math, and other basic skill areas. Broadens and supplements the skills and knowledge of a licensed special educator.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 553 - Advanced Interventions in Functional Skills

    3 credits
    Offers licensed special education teachers advanced information on instruction in functional skill areas such as independent living, vocational opportunities, family life, recreation, home economics, nutrition, self-help skills, and community agency assistance programs.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 554 - Advanced Assessment and Diagnosis

    3 credits
    Focuses on the application of commonly used formal and informal diagnostic instruments. Details the administration of several types of instruments. Includes an examination of alternative assessment procedures using techniques such as informal or qualitative observation techniques, portfolio preparation and analysis, authentic assessment, and curriculum-based assessment.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 555 - Advanced Legal Issues

    3 credits
    Expands a good basic understanding of special education law through investigating case law and current controversial issues in legal matters. Includes case analysis, reading of legal briefs, application of state and federal law to district practice, and preparation techniques for due process hearings.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 556 - Advanced Techniques in Behavior Management

    3 credits
    Provides an in-depth examination of curriculum and program development, special methods, techniques of management, and procedures in public school settings for students with difficult behavior challenges. Includes the application of IDEA 1997 guidelines to drug and weapons violations and FAPE in alternative settings. Examines the conflict between the least-restrictive-setting principle and the constraints of unusual behavioral interventions.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 557 - Current Issues in Special Education

    3 credits
    Offers an in-depth study of controversial issues in special education for the practicing special education teacher. Examines current thought, curriculum, and practice from differing points of view through participation in seminar discussions, debates, and research. Requires students to defend several sides of controversial issues and to articulate the rationale for practices that may be misunderstood or contested by others.
    Graded (A-F) only.
  • SPED 561 - Foundations of Autism

    3 credits
    Emphasizes the etiology, history, definition, and scope of the many manifestations and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder. Included are current models and best practices in working with individuals and families; diagnosis of ASD; characteristics of students across the spectrum; continuum of services and placement options; community resources; and developing self-determination and advocacy for individuals with ASD.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPED 562 - Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder

    3 credits
    Introduces a variety of methods to assess and diagnose students who may exhibit, and be eligible for services, on the autism spectrum. Included will be the impact that ethnic, cultural, and linguistic diversity issues have on the assessment; administration and/or assistance in the completion of the required components of the assessment for the identification (initial and reevaluation); and interpreting assessment data, summarizing and reporting results to teams, including families, in a systematic manner that leads directly to programmatic recommendations for instruction for individuals with ASD. NOTE: Candidates working toward the ASD Specialist designation must concurrently register for SPED 562L: Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Lab. See an advisor in the School of Education Special Education Program.
    Graded (A-F) only
  • SPED 562L - Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder Lab

    1 credit
    Provides for the practical application of the methods in assessing and diagnosing students who may exhibit, and be eligible for services, on the autism spectrum. Candidates will conduct multiple assessments on students who exhibit ASD, or are currently receiving services for ASD.
    Graded (A-F) only

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