Mar 13, 2025
READ 509 - Practicum 4 credits Carried out in schools and/or districts and consists of candidates working directly with students, other faculty, administrators, and the school community to fulfill various roles of the reading specialist. Explores reading teaching; literacy testing; curriculum development for various groups of readers including ELL, struggling readers, average and gifted readers; assessing and making recommendations for a school’s reading program; and developing literacy-focused professional development sessions for faculty, administrators, instructional assistants, and parents. Typically, the practicum is the final capstone course of the reading endorsement course of study. Prerequisite(s): Minimum 18 credits of reading endorsement coursework required. A person must have a teaching license prior to enrolling in the READ 509 practicum. Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
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