SPAN 406 - Community-Based Work Experience 1 to 15 credits A practicum work experience in local or foreign businesses, schools, or other agencies where Spanish is required. Carried out in Spanish and overseen by a faculty member. Requires 30 hours of work per credit. The community-based work experience is generally a part-time work or volunteer experience carried out over several weeks. Students in the Spanish Track A are required to complete at least 4 credits of community-based work. Students file a statement of work and learning objectives with their academic supervisor, write reports and journals, and secure a written evaluation from the work supervisor. Repeatable. Graded Pass/ No Pass only. Prerequisite(s): Demonstrated advanced proficiency and six courses of
SPAN 310 , SPAN 311 , SPAN 312 , SPAN 315 , SPAN 322 , SPAN 323 and SPAN 331
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