Mar 08, 2025
SOAN 464 - Cultural Rights 4 credits Explores issues related to the rights of individuals and groups to practice culture and participate in cultural community. Discusses cultural rights as a critical concept in public policy and practice. Examines how groups assert cultural uniqueness, how dominant institutions respond to cultural diversity, and how cultural rights are limited. May be applied to the International Studies major and minor, and the Native American studies minor and certificate. Prerequisite(s): SOAN 204 or SOC 204, or SOAN 213 or ANTH 213, or SOAN 214 or ANTH 214, junior standing or above, plus 4 credits of upper division Sociology and Anthropology. * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless otherwise noted: ANTH 464. Grade mode designated on a CRN basis each term. Students should consult current term schedule.
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