Mar 03, 2025
GSWS 410 - Feminist and Queer Theory in Action 4 credits Examines the relationship between feminist and queer theory and related action, application, or activism. In addition to class readings, attendance, participation, and assignments, all students are required to engage in thirty hours of projects or placements that may include service learning, community-based learning, or independently devised individual or group projects involving social and cultural action on issues related to gender, sexuality, and/or women/girls. In-class time is divided between analyses of diverse feminist and queer theories and activism and collective discussion of student projects. Required of Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies minors and IIMs whose primary field is gender, sexuality, and women’s studies. Class restriction: Junior standing or above or instructor approval. Approved for University Studies Integration (Strand I). Prerequisite(s): GSWS 201 and junior standing or above, or permission of instructor. * This course was formerly offered under a different number; students who took the following course(s) will not receive additional credit unless the course is stated to be repeatable in the description above: WS 410 Graded (A-F) only
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