2012-13 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Health and Physical Education Program
McNeal 137
Donna Mills, Chair
Professor |
Associate Professor |
Senior Instructor |
Instructor |
Adjunct Faculty |
Emeritus Faculty |
Donna Mills |
Laura Jones |
Joel Perkins |
Adam Elson |
Michael Altman |
Daniel M. Cartwright |
Brian McDermott |
Michael Jones
Phillip A. Pifer
Mike Ritchey |
Kellly Mason
Jennifer Slawta |
Erik Sol
Jamie Vener |
The health and physical education program is part of the Department of Health, Physical Education, and Leadership. The health and physical education program is an integral part of the College of Arts and Sciences. Its function is to prepare professionals for careers in physical therapy, health promotion, fitness management, or outdoor recreation. Selected health and physical education courses are open to all SOU students. The program also offers a service program with activity courses for students in any major.
The Department of Health, Physical Education, and Leadership includes programs of study in health and physical education, outdoor adventure leadership, pre-physical therapy, and military science. For more information about these programs, see the health and physical education program or the military science program.
Graduate Program
Graduate degree programs with health and physical education as major components are available (see Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies). The program may be tailored to meet the goals of students who wish to combine studies in health and physical education with other academic areas. Such a program does not necessarily lead to licensing or certification.
Professional Affiliations
Faculty in the Department of Health and Physical Education maintain professional memberships and actively participate in the following organizations: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (AAHPERD); Northwest District-AAHPERD; Oregon Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (OAHPERD); National Athletic Trainers Association; the National Association of Underwater Instructors; and the American College of Sports Medicine. SOU’s athletic programs are governed by the National Association for Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA).
Student Expenses and Insurance
Southern Oregon University does not provide accident insurance. Students and others using the health, physical education, and athletic facilities for classes, intramurals, club sports, and recreation are urged to purchase a policy at the time of registration if they do not have their own insurance coverage. Special fees vary by term and class.
Activity Courses
These courses are designed to give students an understanding of the importance of regular physical activity in improving physical and mental well-being. Students learn and improve recreational skills for maintaining an optimum level of physical fitness. All students are encouraged to take PE 180 activities and other health and physical education courses. Maximum of 12 credits of PE 180 allowed for graduation.
Becoming a Major
Students interested in becoming a major should contact the department. Students must be admitted to the major, which usually occurs at the end of the sophomore year. Admission requires the following:
- Completion of USEM 101 , 102 , 103 .
- Completion of two terms of Physiology and Human Anatomy with a minimum grade of C- (for HPE majors only); first term only for OAL majors.
- A cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 for all coursework completed.
- A GPA of at least 2.5 for all coursework completed in the major.
Teacher Licensing
Health Education
Students who would like to teach health at the middle school or high school level in Oregon public schools must complete a bachelor’s degree in health and physical education before applying for admission to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program at SOU. Interested students should consult the department chair for an appropriate advisor and the School of Education regarding admission requirements for the MAT program.
Students must prepare in advance to increase their chances of acceptance into this competitive program. Practica, internships, and volunteer experiences working with students in the public schools prior to application to the MAT program are required.
Physical Education
Students who would like to teach physical education at the early childhood/elementary or middle school/high school level in Oregon public schools must complete a bachelor’s degree in health and physical education before applying for admission to the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program at SOU. Interested students should consult the department chair for an appropriate advisor and the School of Education regarding admission requirements for the MAT program.
Students must prepare in advance to increase their chances of acceptance into this competitive program. Practica, internships, and volunteer experiences working with students in the public schools prior to application to the MAT program are required.
Program RequirementsProgramsMajorMinorCoursesHealth EducationOutdoor Adventure LeadershipPhysical EducationPage: 1
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