2019-20 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Political Science, BA or BS
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Requirements for the Major
Students pursuing a major in political science must meet the following requirements: 1.
Fulfill baccalaureate degree requirements. 2.
Maintain a minimum cumulative 2.5 GPA in all courses required for the major. 3.
Complete the following core courses (12 credits): A. All Students:
All students must complete an approved college level statistics course such as MTH 243 or other statistics course offered by another program (e.g., Sociology, Economics, etc.). Students opting for the Political Philosophy concentration will complete PHL 203 (Introduction to Logic) as an alternative to a statistics course. 4.
Select Political Institutions Concentration, Global and Strategic Studies Concentration, Civic Engagement Concentration, or Political Philosophy Concentration. Political Institutions Concentration
Introductory Courses (8 credits)
American Politics and Processes (8 credits)
Select two courses: Public Law (8 credits)
Select two courses: Transnational and Comparative Politics (8 credits)
Select two courses: Topics in Political Philosophy (4 credits)
Two additional upper-division political science courses (8 credits)
Global and Strategic Studies Concentration
Introductory Courses (8 credits)
Core Upper Division Courses (24 credits)
Elective Coursework (12 credits)
Students will take three courses: Civic Engagement Concentration
Mission The Program in Civic Engagement at Southern Oregon University is an interdisciplinary collaboration of scholarship, teaching, and learning designed to prepare students for careers in journalism, civic organizing, diplomacy, and related professions. Combining the concepts, theories, and practical applications of Communication and Political Science with the breadth and depth of History, the program offers a challenging interdisciplinary curriculum which students will value both for its intellectual stimulation and its career-oriented preparation. Graduates of the program will acquire deeper insights into the complex processes of media literacy, information production and dissemination, civic activism, negotiation, and diplomacy. This program would prepare students to be responsive and thoughtful participants in civic life and advocates of responsible public discourse and debate, taking the best lessons from history and applying them to the modern challenges of civic life, both in the US and globally. Lower Division: 20 credits
Communication Sequence
Choose any two of the following courses, 8 credits Political Science Sequence
Choose any two of the following courses, 8 credits History Sequence
4 credits Upper Division: 28 credits
Collective Action
4 credits Communication Sequence
(Choose any two courses, 8 credits) Political Science Sequence
(Choose any two courses, 8 credits) History Sequence
(Choose any two courses, 8 credits) Political Philosophy Concentration
Lower Division Requirements
(8 credits) Political Philosophy Courses
(two courses, 8 credits) Intellectual History
(Choose one course, 4 credits) Upper Division Philosophy Electives
(Choose three courses,12 credits) Two Political Science Electives from the list below:
(8 credits) History and Political Science Honors Program
1. Requirements for Admission and Continuation in the History and Political Science Honors Program:
a. Newly admitted students must satisfy one of the following conditions:
- A minimum high school GPA of 3.6
- A minimum combined total of 1200 from the critical reading and mathematics SAT sections with a minimum score of 500 in each section
- A minimum combined ACT score of 27 with a minimum score of 22 in both math and English
- A minimum transfer GPA of 3.6 (based on at least 36 quarter credits)
b. Continuing students must satisfy each of the following conditions:
- A minimum GPA of 3.3 in all classes taken at SOU
- A minimum GPA in the major of 3.5
- A member of the permanent faculty must agree to serve as advisor
c. To continue in the departmental honors program and graduate with departmental honors, students must maintain the levels of achievement outlined in requirement 1b.
2. Requirements to Complete the History and Political Science Honors Program:
a. Students pursuing honors in the History or Political Science major
Students pursuing honors in the History or Political Science major are required to produce an honors thesis based on original research. The honors thesis will constitute the student’s capstone project. Specific guidelines will be provided by the faculty advisor. - It is expected that the focused student research with faculty direction over the course of 3 to 6 terms will generate a superior final product which demonstrates independence of mind and judgment; capacity to design and execute a complex project; advanced research skills; and skills of analysis, synthesis, and clear written and oral communication.
b. To achieve departmental honors, students will:
- Ask a permanent faculty member in History or Political Science to serve as their mentor. Once a permanent faculty member accepts, the student and faculty mentor will work together to develop a research and writing plan.
- Complete additional work in an appropriate upper-division course taught by the faculty mentor designed to advance the research project. Examples of possible assignments include, but are not limited to, completion of an annotated bibliography; completion of a bibliographic or historiographic essay; and/or completion of an oral presentation.
- Complete HST401H or PS 403 (Thesis) where most of the research will be completed for the Honors Thesis. The work completed in this course will be the basis for a thesis to be completed in either HST 415H or PS 498H.
- Write the Honors thesis while enrolled in HST 415H (Capstone) or PS 498H (Senior Seminar), under the direction of the faculty advisor.
c. Presentation of honors thesis
Honors students are expected to present their honors theses at the annual Southern Oregon Arts and Research (SOAR) program in the spring and in a departmental venue (such as the capstone or senior seminar). |
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