Feb 10, 2025  
2021-22 Catalog 
2021-22 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Master of Business Administration, MBA

René Leo E. Ordoñez, PhD, Graduate Programs in Business Coordinator
541-552-6720  ordonez@sou.edu  


Douglas Daley, MBA Program Coordinator
541-552-8113 daleyd@sou.edu

What is an MBA?

A Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a widely recognized degree highly sought after by those looking to gain an edge in the business world. The MBA is open to individuals from a wide range of academic disciplines who have previously completed a bachelor’s degree.

An MBA education provides students a broad knowledge base in all the major functions and practices of a business (accounting, marketing, finance, operations management, organizational behavior, economics, and information systems) and further develops managerial skill sets and core competencies necessary for business success. Against this backdrop, the critical topics of leadership, teamwork, ethics, and effective communication are embedded in the program to further broaden skills necessary to become more effective managers. Southern Oregon University is accredited by Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP.)

Program for Working Professionals and Full-time Students

The MBA program at SOU is designed to meet the needs of busy working professionals as well as full-time graduate students.

SOU offers two MBA program formats - Evening MBA and Online MBA. These two program formats use the same application for admission process and have the same curricular requirements and program policies. However, students in each program can only take classes that are offered within their particular program format. In other words, Online MBA students must enroll in the Online MBA classes offered in the accelerated 7-week format, while Evening MBA students must take the evening MBA core classes and other elective courses offered during a standard quarter or summer term.

Students are allowed to make a one-time change in program format. For example, a student who starts in the Evening program but later decides to shift to the Online program must complete the degree in the Online program.

Evening MBA Program Format

  • Most classes are offered on the Ashland campus evenings on weekdays and sometimes at the RCC/SOU Higher Education Center (HEC) in Medford on Saturdays.
  • All classes in this program format are offered following SOU’s regular 11-week quarter system.
  • The Evening MBA degree can be completed in as little as one academic year. Students who plan to complete the program in one year must start in the fall term.
  • Students in this program can choose from nine Concentration areas: Accounting, Business Analytics, Finance, Healthcare Administration, Human Resources, Information Analysis and Decision Making, Marketing, Nonprofit Management, Sustainability, and MBA for the Arts.

Online MBA Program Format

  • Classes offered in this program format are all fully online.
  • Each academic year has five seven-week terms
  • Students may enter the program at any term.
  • The Online MBA degree can be completed in as little 16 months.
  • Students in this program can earn a general MBA or can choose from six Concentration areas: Accounting, Business Analytics, Finance, Healthcare Administration, Information Analysis and Decision Making, and Marketing.
  • For more information about this program, visit https://online.sou.edu/programs/

International Dual MBA Degree

Students in this program earn an MBA from SOU and a Master of International Management from HTW Saarlandes in Germany. The program of study can be completed in one year, with two quarters of study at SOU and one semester at HTW. All classes in Germany are taught in English.

Admission Criteria

Full Admission Status
Applicants who meet any of the conditions below will be given a full admission status:

  • Undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or above either in overall GPA or in the last 90 quarter hours (60 semester hours) toward a baccalaureate degree (or toward a graduate degree program), or
  • 2. 75 to less than 2.99 GPA with three years of work experience.

Conditional Admission Status

  • Less than 3.0 but at least 2.75 GPA with less than 3 years of work experience, or
  • Less than 2.75 GPA with three years of work experience.

Students admitted on a Conditional status must earn a B or better grade in the courses taken during the first term in the program, else will not be allowed to continue in the program.

Application Procedures

The Evening and Online MBA programs accept applications for admission year-round. For the Evening MBA program, the MBA Selection Committee will continue to review complete applications and admit qualified students until the programs (full and part-time) meet enrollment capacity. Enrollment capacity is typically met by late spring each year.  Submit your application to the MBA program as early as possible.

For the Online MBA program, applications for admission are processed year-round; there is no capacity limitation.

Each applicant is required to fulfill admission requirements for SOU and the MBA program.

Admission to SOU and the MBA

  • The application for admission to the MBA program at SOU can be completed online via https://sou.edu/admissions/apply/how-to-apply/. Complete the SOU Application for Graduate Study with application fee.
  • Submit official transcripts from ALL universities or colleges attended for credit. Official transcripts must be sent directly to the SOU Office of Admissions.
  • Provide a brief employment history and three (3) names and contact information (email and phone numbers) of academic or professional references.
  • International students applying for admission must meet all University and program requirements for admission. In addition, international candidates are expected to demonstrate a command of English that exceeds the minimum standards set by the University, as the program’s courses are too demanding to accommodate remedial work in English. A TOEFL score of at least 540 (paper), 207 (computer), or 76 (Internet), or 6.0 IELTS with at least 5.5 score on each of the four bands is required for graduate study at SOU. For more information, refer to www.sou.edu/admissions/international or contact the SOU Admissions Office (541-552-6411).


Transfer Credits

A student may include up to 16 quarter credits of approved graduate coursework taken prior to regular admission to the MBA program.


All MBA coursework must be completed with a minimum GPA of 3.0 in order to qualify for graduation. The MBA program coordinator provides information regarding graduation processes and procedures.


All MBA courses must be taken for a letter grade (P/NP option will not be accepted). Credit toward the degree will not be assigned for any course with a final grade lower than a B-.

Academic Probation

MBA candidates must maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 throughout the program. If a candidate’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, the candidate will be placed on academic probation and be notified by the program coordinator. Any candidate placed on academic probation must petition the MBA Coordinator for permission to continue in the program. If permission is granted, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above must be achieved by the candidate by the following term. Candidates not meeting this requirement will be terminated from the program. Candidates placed on academic probation a second time will automatically be terminated from the program.

Program Curriculum

The MBA program curriculum consists of the following components:

Approved Graduate Electives (12-16 credits)

Elective credits for concentrations - 12 to 16 credits depending on the concentration option. The concentrations for the Evening MBA Program are:
  • General MBA (12 elective credits)
  • Accounting (12 elective credits)
  • Business Analytics (12 elective credits)
  • Finance (12 elective credits)
  • Human Resources (16 elective credits)
  • Information Analysis and Decision Making (12 elective credits)
  • Marketing (12 elective credits)
  • Nonprofit (16 elective credits)
  • Sustainability (12 elective credits)
  • MBA for the Arts (15 elective credits)
Elective credits for concentrations - 12 credits per concentration option. The concentrations for the Online MBA Progam are:
  • Accounting (12 elective credits)
  • Business Analytics (12 elective credits) 
  • Finance (12 elective credits)
  • General MBA (12 elective credits)
  • Healthcare Administration (12 elective credits)
  • Information Analysis and Decision Making (12 elective credits)
  • Marketing (12 elective credits)
Electives are selected in consultation with and approval by the MBA Program Coordinator.

Generalist Option:

Students who do not choose to have a concentration area may choose any course from the list below, or any non-business 500-level course as approved by the MBA Coordinator. Check with the MBA Program Coordinator for available electives in your program format (Online or Evening MBA).

Concentration Option:

MBA candidates can select a group of elective courses to comprise a concentration area. The program offers nine concentration areas: Accounting, Business Analytics, Finance, Healthcare Administration, Human Resources, Information Analysis and Decision Making, Marketing, Nonprofit Management, Sustainability, and MBA for the Arts.

The requirements for the concentration areas are listed below. Except for the Human Resources and Nonprofit Management concentrations where a student must complete at least 4 elective courses from the list, all other concentrations require at least 3 elective courses, in addition to the default core MBA course.

Students may elect to obtain multiple concentrations provided they meet the required credits as listed below. However, elective credits can only be applied to one concentration (i.e. no “double dipping” will be allowed).

Whether or not a student is pursuing a concentration option, the total number of elective credits completed must be at least 12.


Business Analytics


Healthcare Administration

Required electives - electives are selected in consultation with and approved by the MBA program coordinator and the Business program’s chair.

Human Resources:

Information Analysis and Decision Making:


Nonprofit Management:


Select 3 courses from the list below.  Electives are selected in consultation with and approved by the MBA program coordinator and the Business program’s chair.

MBA for the Arts Concentration

The MBA for the Arts concentration is for high-potential arts and cultural managers seeking training in business, strategic and innovative thinking, and broad knowledge of nonprofit management.  The degree and concentration are designed to prepare artists to manage and lead on a local, regional or national scale; combine business strategy with community insights in innovative and resourceful ways; and connect artists, the arts, and audiences in ways that transform their communities.

Applicants to the MBA for the Arts must have earned a bachelor’s degree in the Arts (Art, EMDA, Creative Writing, Music, and Theatre) or other arts-related course of study, or have completed three years of arts­ related work experience. This program can be completed in one year. Acceptance into the program is based upon declaration and acceptance into the SOU graduate program.